Website Secrets

Get your GEEK on

#wordpress #webmastertricks

Many people think they can create a website, go live and just sit back and wait for customers or sales to start. Very rarely does that actually happen. Some websites are static, meaning they never change and it is always the same content. Other sites are dynamic and they are constantly changing with new fresh original content. When a website has something new created and added to a website it is viewed new content and is more likely to be picked up by search engines.


It is a proven fact that sites that are updated on a daily basis are going to come up first in search results. Webmasters can submit a site map to Google and Bing which is basically like going to a library and giving them the outline of a book (your site). What is does is help organize your content so the librarian can give users the most current up to date information. Those who submit site maps go to the front of the line. Others will have to wait as something called a “spider” crawls through every single line of code. Every time you write a new article/blog using correct SEO, it is like you just took your book and threw it on top of all the rest, so it always ranks higher.


Your website should also include some sort of S.E.O. (search engine optimization). Site maps are only part of the plan. If you use WordPress there is something called a “plug-in”, which is specialized software that is written for your WordPress database. Every website I create I incorporate this so my sites always rank at the top of Google, MSN, and Bing. Did you know that Bing actually stands for Because It’s Not Google. Seriously. Amazingly people still use Internet Explorer, but Chrome, Safari and Firefox still rate as the number 1 browsing experience.


If you have customers you have a website. Your website is YOUR platform and you are in control of it. You are not restricted who sees your content. Set up easy subscriptions and RSS for your customers. Many of the social platforms change the rules or tell you what you can or can’t say on their platform. Keep your site new and fresh by writing free interesting articles that your readers will find value. It is your chief marketing objective to always be promoting your website and product or service.


If your website address is too long to remember, shorten it down with an easier URL and then have your webmaster create a permanent redirect link. With the dozens of new domain extensions it is possible for everyone to have an easy to remember domain. Your name is always the preferred first choice.


This article is an introduction of what is to come from the new book Platform MBA. As I dive deeper in the book, I will really get geeky and explain in kid terms how to make it work easily for you. Remember, my first published work is a children’s book. It really helps moving forward talking to grown ups. Would I talk down to a 5 year old as I explained something? No. And I won’t do it to you either. Everyone needs a teacher. Some need a good teacher.


Don’t make the mistake of marketing your website before it is ready. Just like your Facebook business page, your website will get one opportunity to impress users. As a rule of thumb I suggest having at least 30 minutes of worthy content. Have lots of articles, blogs and things to look at on your site. You might have a photo gallery, videos, poetry, the possibilities are endless. Some sites that are really popular may also sell advertising. I tend to shy away from that strategy as I really am not interested taking my readers off my website to go buy some other company’s product. That sure does make sense/cents.


You can easily include a mailing list, such as MailChimp or Constant Contact, both have a WordPress plugin. If you write cool newsletters hinting at even cooler articles you may get a lot of subscribers. Some people might just bookmark your site or just like your Facebook page. If someone really likes you, it is possible they will click “GET NOTIFICATIONS” to always be notified when they log into Facebook. I have a lot of readers who do want to be notified if I post an article, blog or entertaining writing.


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