Colorado Election 2020

Welcome to the twenty twenty shit show! As if things in life aren’t already frustrating, confusing and full of wonder, we also have to deal with things on a huge economic scale, and for a majority of the general population, have no clue on what impact they have on the overall general health of the economy. Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. Let me back up to the last election, and remind everyone what devastating effects of “not giving a shit” and basically letting the old minded generations take over the United States government with the idol they elected. Yes, we are talking about ALL of the elected officials, not just the one allegedly running the country.


People are quick to point fingers and place blame, but the one thing they they selectively forget, is it is those same people who didn’t vote, that are now causing the shit show. Wow, bet you never thought of it that way. When that “Karen” is being a bitch in line, and you stand there and allow that hourly retail cashier or worse, the hourly manager to take that abuse, YOU are allowing and in one way or another endorsing that type of behavior. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could actually see a visual warning of those people who didn’t vote/give a shit? Now those same people act like their actions didn’t have repercussions.


If you are a registered Colorado voter, there are some “things” that you need to know. First of all, if you are not registered as a republican or a democrat you REALLY need to pay attention. You have been mailed TWO ballots. Yes, that is correct. One is for a republican and one is for a democrat, and since you don’t fall into one of those boxes, you get to choose ONE ballot that you can submit as your official vote. Do NOT think you can outsmart the system and vote twice, or even three times. Newsflash Einstein, you have to sign your ballot, and it goes into a computer system to verify your official signature on file, usually from the DMV. An actual person looks at both signatures, and if it is flagged as possible non-match, the ballot may get thrown out all together. Those are all barcoded, and when your second ballot comes in, the first ballot is flagged and cancelled. Ouch. If voting polls were open, then you could try and vote in person, for a third time. Guess what happens when your government issued id bar code is scanned into the system. Yep, not good, as you are detained. If you didn’t know, Colorado has been described as a model voting system for other states. So, yeah, we have this voting thing down. It is a federal offense to forge someone’s signature on a ballot. So don’t even think of stealing someone’s ballot if you somehow have access to an open mailbox. The signature HAS to match.


And if you didn’t already know that we are one of the most progressive states in the nation, with Jared Polis, the first openly gay governor, paving the way for other states. Cannabis, insulin regulation are just a couple of things that we are known for lately. Our former governor John W. Hickenlooper is running for a senate seat, basically taking Polis’s previous elected position, as he was senator when John was governor. Currently Cory Gardner, a republican holds the senate seat. Hickenlooper has my vote and should have yours also. Residents voted for him for governor — at least the majority of the state did.


So let us take a look at some of the Colorado ballot issues, and let me provide some guidance. If you already voted, or feel you are highly qualified in all these issues, then just keep scrolling. However, there are thousands of my readers who are not experts, and many of them do not even have a high school diploma or a college degree. So who do you know who has a masters degree in business who is freely sharing those thoughts to the general public? I would really like to know. So … just me. And if you are like me, you want fresh new content, that is not riddled with argumentative opinions and advertisements.



So first glance, like all past ballots, it is full of long winded, run on sentences that make you just want to scream. And you can say that you are “Today year’s old” when you learned that ALL CAPS means that it involves some sort of a tax/debt issue that is going to somehow cost you money. Yes the government is yelling at you to pay attention. So for Amendment B (to the state constitution) wants to change the assessment rate for property taxes. I say NO. It ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 29% property tax assessment rate seems high.  Amendment C – asks if bingo halls can hire managers. WTF? Why can’t they is the real question. So I say YES. Here is the big one that is going to have people in tantrums. Amendment 76 changes voters to be required to be a US citizen to vote. Remember, there are 800,000+ DACA babies that are in our system as well as millions of others who are voters. Hmmm. So based on how it is worded, I am assuming you currently do NOT have to be a citizen to vote in Colorado. Dude, … what the heck? I think it is fine the way it is, and vote NO/AGAINST. Amendment 77 – Changes the CRS to allow casinos to add new games. Sure, I vote YES/FOR.


Proposition EE – This is a new smokers tax on vape products. This appears to be just on nicotine vape products of a 22% increase. I don’t smoke nicotine products so this really doesn’t affect me. HOWEVER, the overall economic long-term repercussions could hurt an already down unemployed economy. Why punish the smokers? Don’t they pay enough with losing their health already? So, I vote NO.

Proposition 113 – Do we give our electoral votes to the popular vote? I say yes. It should be WE the people, not the fucking elected official who has the power. Proposition 114 – Releasing gray wolves into the wild. You know I saw a video about how releasing natural predators into the wild had positive effects. I don’t remember all of the details, but I am going to go with YES on this one. Proposition 115 – Abortion issue. If the baby is 21 weeks the the abortion is illegal. Yeah, so I don’t have an ovary or uterus, so I don’t really think I should be voting on this. So I’ll say against, and leave it the way it is. Proposition 116 – lowers the state tax rate to 4.55% Sure, why not. I’ll vote yes. Proposition 117- change the CRS to make an entity tax exempt. Uh, no on that one also. Prop 118 – creating family medical leave. This forces an employer into giving this “benefit” to employees. Hey, as a business owner, I might not want that or can afford it. Government should mind their own business, unless they are going to pay for it. So I vote no. As far as the judges go, let me ask you this question. When you had ANY interaction with a judge, which btw, is a glorified bullied attorney who got promoted, did you get a nice little slap on the wrist? Did you get off with a warning and some community service? Or did they throw the book at you? Make you an example? Stress you out emotionally and financially? Hmm, yeah me too. So I say vote that judge out and put in some new fresh blood. Guess what? Your vote DOES matter. And that nasty judge who sat all high and mighty can go get a job somewhere else.



Alrighty kids, if mom and dad haven’t sat down with you and gone over these important ballot issues for Colorado, and for the nation, then hopefully this gave you some insight. Of course you can vote for whomever you choose, but remember that what do today will have an impact on generations to come. Millions of newly registered voters since the last election are ready to cast their first vote.

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