The Fear of God

Well that sure is a strong title for blog article isn’t it? Why yes, yes it is. It was designed for some people to stop what they are doing and pay attention. Why should/would I fear God? Because you are lost. You forgot who your master is. Every single person on this planet believes in some higher power. So let’s rewind a few thousand years when Pharaoh had thousands of slaves and Moses said “Let my people go.” Well, we all know he didn’t, and so forth came the wrath of God. The first born of every family and animal all were terminated. By God, or actually by his angels. God doesn’t destroy, he just watches and orders his angels to do his bidding. How do I know this? It’s like common knowledge, but if you insist on knowing further, God actually talks with me. Daily. And I talk to God, daily. Y’all call it prayer in some cultures. I call it conversation, enlightenment, self actualization. What — did you think God only talked to Moses and that was it? Well, that would make things pretty boring if all you did was sit around and listen and never talked. Well, God actually talks THROUGH many of his champions … like me. No seriously, sometimes there is a message he needs someone to hear and they aren’t listening. Remember in WandaVision when the FBI guy was trying to get through to Wanda through the radio? Same thing, except “I” am the radio, and God knows one of my readers will pay attention.


So what is the message? Ready? Stop the hate. Stop the hurt. Or you will get hurt. Wow, that is pretty powerful if you ask me. WHAT if, … your guardian IS keeping score and at some point the wrath of God will come and terminate those who he feels is full of hate? What if someone you love is going to have to pay for YOUR hate? Everyone has hate in them, even me. I hate spammers and robocalls. But that is not the same as hating on an individual because of skin color, voice accent, or a physical trait. It has been a very long time that people have worshiped the Lord as churches have been closed for over a year. Yes, God knows who is still praying and not praying, who is a good kind person and who is a piece of shit. Some of those pieces are going to get it in the next life.


A friend will stand up for you when you need help. A true friend will stand up for you when you are not present. Be a friend to someone who needs your help.

Those who worship a false god, a statue made of gold, will certainly face dire consequences. (Not my words, I’m just the messenger).
