Words To Live By

Let’s play a game. I like games. Don’t you? In this game,  you are going to contemplate your words of wisdom that you feel your pupils/children/followers should know. Something that is maybe unique to you, or just plain good business sense. My grandma gave me some advice once. We were sitting in the bank and she was cosigning a personal loan for me. She looked over at me and said, “Never tell people how much money you have or don’t have. It is none of their business. If people think you have money, they will treat you nicer, but some people will just want you for your money.” She was right.


So how do you let people know you actually have money without telling them you have money? Well, you could carry a lot of greenbacks in your wallet or money clip. I know when I saw a guy with a money clip full of 100 dollar bills, I had a feeling he was well off and probably rich. Guess what, you can have a lot of paper in your wallet without being “rich”.


There are other ways to show you are rich without using cash. You can have an American Express charge card. You have to pay those off in full every month, so if someone is making a big purchase on that card, they obviously have a lot of money in the bank to pay it off within 30 days. When I worked at Best Buy Magnolia I sold a huge entertainment package, well over 10k. He put it on his AmEx BLACK card. That was the first time I had ever seen or touched a metal card and of course I was impressed. You have to make bank to even qualify for that card. So naturally I asked what he did for a living. He said he owned a couple of mortgage companies, so he WAS the bank. Yeah, those guys who loan you money for homes. Damn. Funny thing is he looked like an average normal guy, other than his expensive Italian shoes. One of the things I have learned working retail luxury sales, … you can NEVER tell how much money someone has just by looking at a person. “Some” things like jewelry and accessories can give you somewhat of an idea, and with women you can get a good idea by simply looking at her purse. There are some purses that are worth more than houses … yeah it is crazy insane. A leather bag worth more than a house. For men, it is usually a really, really expensive large gold watch and expensive shoes.
Some additional thoughts on money. When people think you have money, they may ask to “borrow” it. Unless you really love that person and want to give that person a one time donation, don’t do  it. You probably won’t get your money back and you will lose a friendship over it. Trust me on this one. I have done it time and time again and the outcome is always a bad one with hurt feelings from someone. One time a “friend” wanted to borrow money and I flat out said no. She didn’t pay back the last “loan” so why would I just give her money? That’s right, her credit was zero. Steal from me once, shame on you. Steal from me twice, shame on me. Some people are just plain evil. Bad egg. Bad intentions. Bad results. Our prisons are full of them.


“Baw weep graw weep ninny bong.”  It’s the universal greeting. Guns are not exactly friendly. – Hot Rod & Kup, Transformers G1

If Kyle Rittenfuck had a sign that had the universal greeting on it and was wearing a red cross logo, THAT might be interpreted as a “friendly”. Kup said it best, guns aren’t friendly.


