Pressbooks vs. Scrivener

A lot of people ask me what software or type of computer I use when drafting my manuscript. I personally use Pressbooks. It is a WordPress open source platform that was coded and designed by an actual writer. Since I am a webmaster I spend 90% of my working day in WordPress in one fashion or another.


Many people wonder if I use Microsoft Word to compose. The answer is no. I compose online on the fly in Pressbooks, and then I copy each chapter and paste it into Microsoft Word and then save it to my cloud folder. I personally do not like Microsoft’s little helpers telling me that my sentence or dialogue is incorrect. When I create there are no distractions.


My editor is also a writer and she is using Scrivener, which is a computer based software for a Windows or Mac for about $40. It is really nice, has a lot of great features, but does require the software and the one computer it was installed. She wrote a review on Scrivener where you can find here.  It has the ability to export your file as an ePub, Mobi or pdf, which are the 3 standards you need to publish.  If you are handing it over to an editor they may want it in Microsoft Word. If you are self publishing you can create in whichever method you choose. Costwise it is more to use Pressbooks as your final product has a one time fee of $99 per manuscript to remove the watermarks. Of course if you don’t care if people know how you created it, you can leave it on there. I would not recommend it as it quickly identifies you as a new author.
For myself I don’t use just one computer. In fact, I have a Mac Mini and half a dozen laptop computers and netbooks, and tablets that I can use. They are spread out throughout my house and home office. All I need is to connect to wifi or internet on any type of computer on any browser. So if I am at a friend’s house, a hotel, or a car I can always write and not have to carry my laptop with me. So it really is a matter of personal preference.
I also am working on several manuscripts at once. Yes really. When I open up Google Chrome about a dozen tabs open to the various websites I administer and update daily. One of those is The cool thing is Chrome remembers these settings, regardless what computer I am using. It makes things handy for me to remember what I am focused on and not to forget anything. Just like WordPress for website presentation, Pressbooks incorporates several themes to give your book whatever look and feel you choose. Fonts, page numbering, things like that.
One cool thing with Pressbooks is each chapter is actually a page/post that can be exported and imported into another website. Angel.Academy also holds every page of the original manuscript in electronic form, locked and backed up nightly by my server. There was an instance I went to go work on the manuscript for Angel Academy and the website was GONE. All I had was the hardcopy, which was thousands of words. So it is always a good idea to back up your work. I also was then able to use those chapters for parts of my marketing and released chapters in advance to readers who signed up on my website for notifications.


While I was writing Angel Academy I formed a beta group of 50 readers of all different ages and demographics as young as 6 and as old as 91. After I identified my target audience, I narrowed down the group and gave them access to the chapters through Pressbooks. It is as simple as clicking a button from public to private. I am not sure if Scrivener can do that. Many authors do not want their work “out there” before it is published. Not many authors use a beta group. I did it because of marketing background and hundreds of focus groups I have participated.
One of the biggest fears in the publishing industry is a new author is not going to sell any books. I totally get that. That is a huge reason that publisher and agents now require new authors to have their own platform. Angel Academy and my public figure page on Facebook did an excellent job at demonstrating I have a platform of fans/readers/friends. I feel that probably one of the biggest reasons books do not do well is the lack of marketing, distribution and identifying the correct audience to market your book/product. You may think you have a great product, your mom certainly does and your best friend has nothing but accolades to say about you; but what about the rest of the world?
Did you know that “most” authors write books for people that are just like themselves? So I am a 40ish aged author and typically I am writing for people who are of the same age range who will relate to me. I read a book that the author felt was for every single or divorced woman out there. Well, turns out the book wasn’t for all those people. It was written for divorced women baby boomers who were left by their husband. Are there a lot of those people out there? Sure. Is it smart to market just to that audience so you maximize your sales? Of course. Will other people buy it? Of course they will, but anticipate some not so glowing reviews.
When I took my book to bookstores the first question is, “What age range is this book?” You really need to know this or you will not be taken seriously. Use your data to back up your claims. In reality my book is for 9 years old – 24, primarily girls 70%. That is a pretty specific age range. If you say “Oh my book is for everyone.” Good luck. I do say, “My book is for anyone who believes in angels or needs to believe in angels.” Fortunately for me I do have private sales figures I can share that give me credibility.


Many people rely on internet statistics of what publishers choose to release and it appears that print is still very much alive. I have data figures for eBooks that most are unwilling to share, and I totally get it. My point is, is you are contemplating publishing a book, you should seriously consider your eBook options and your different channels of distribution.


There is no reason for the pretty picture other than I really like it, and I thought you might like it too. Have a fantastic weekend! Your energy is contagious. Let it be known!

Live Streaming (coming soon)

I can’t help that I am naturally friendly and talk to everyone. I just have this way of connecting with people and making new friends/likes. I still carry bookmarks with me and use them instead of business cards. My catch phrase, “Read me before you write me.” People love it. #promotedaily


My favorite, “Hi, do you believe in angels? Yes? Great here is a bookmark just for you. No? That’s okay, they believe in you. Do you like to read? Great, here use this instead of a receipt.”


A few people have asked me if I really plan on moving to NYC. I’m kind of a go with the flow, live life by the seat of my pants kind of guy, moment to moment, yeah that’s me. Five years ago I was a college professor. Ten years ago I was a marketing manager. Twenty years ago I was in sales. Now I am a website guy and published author. It is very difficult for me to say where or what I will be doing in my near future, other than websites. I actually could see me as a writer for a television series. Ya never know what the angels have in store for me. If you look at all the “jobs” I held, all of them were monumental to get me where I am today.


Angels came to me once again preparing me with more technology that I will need to be successful. Last night I hosted a live streaming event for my abc Family Pretty Little Liars group (1300+). I introduced the group to our international members and it really was preparing me for when I am going to talk to my own fans doing a live video. I used my iPad, photography lighting and background and it was sweet. Yep, chapter 1 reading and a short interview coming up very soon.


If you made it this far of my post, here is a little marketing insight for anyone wanting to gain a following. The NUMBER 1 reason people like me (my pages): I post consistently and interesting information. People will always continue to read. I’m like a daily newspaper (for free). I really don’t do a lot of reposting of other material, but mostly create my own. Being a writer, and a good writer is very key in building a following of fans and friends. I can get lost in my thoughts/writings, I know other have lost days because of me. My Twitter feed @aaronmstephens captures all of my blogs, Facebook pages and tweets. If you tweet, favorite me and follow me so you can find me easily.


A lot of published authors neglect their free blogs once they become successful. I am not really sure why that is. Some authors want you to join their paid subscription membership. I won’t do that to my readers. Many of “my” readers are actually the angels’ readers. They are happy to give me credit, but we really know who is working behind the scenes making things always happen for the greater good in my life, God/Allah.



I live a life full of love and a heart filled with thanks. It really does make a difference when you give thanks/gratitude daily. You are a powerful spiritual energetic vibrational force. Use it for goodness, joy and happiness. Your energy is contagious. Let it be known.




Black Friday Weekend Special



IMG_0098For our Black Friday special we are offering 4 books for the price of 3. Buy 3 get 1 FREE!

All copies will be autographed. If you would like a name inscribed in the book, please indicate in the notes to seller at checkout.

Offer good while supplies last or until Cyber Monday 12.1.14.

$19.95 (3) = $59.85 + $3.99 shipping = $63.84 USD

United States residents only

You can read chapter 1 here.

Can’t wait for Christmas? You can buy the eBook on sale at Amazon for only $7.99.

This amazing story was written for all of God’s children. Let your inner child come out and play!



Press Release for Angel Academy



Aaron1115Aaron Stephens, Author.”Angel Academy.”



“Vampires, witches, wizards, and death NO MORE.
Angel Academy is the world’s next reading phenomenon.”


Aaron M. Stephens, M.B.A. was disturbed with the media glamorizing vampires, werewolves, witches and dystopia and created a wholesome good read for children called Angel Academy in 25 days.


Marketing efforts solely by the author started six months prior to the book launch in July 2014 with the book Facebook Fan pages (author page & book page) acquiring over 100,000 likes in less than 4 months. Fans from every nation around the world participated in choosing the book cover which appeals to children of every religion internationally.


Angel Academy, almost 300 pages with 31 chapters delivers an enlightening perspective for children of all ages to discover the magical world of angels. The author and the book are non-denominational and reflect a multitude of religious beliefs for children to understand including a chapter on Dog Heaven to aid in losing a lost pet.



The Vietnamese born author is the 7th son of a 7th son, with an identical twin, the 8th son.  He is a gifted individual with talents extending in marketing, as well as an artist, singer, dancer, photographer and web designer. Read more at The book officially released worldwide on 11.18.14 on and everywhere eBooks are sold. You can support your local bookstore, The Tattered Cover, and order your book online with delivery on or after 11.18.14. Click here.  International customers can order here with free shipping, delivery in 7-10 days.

Platform MBA


Would you just LOVE to have your own platform of fans and followers? Thousands and thousands of people to hang onto your every word, LIKE your posts, share them and engage with you daily? Everyone wants to be liked, it’s human nature.
I now have over 120,000 fans since July. Wow. Why am I excited about that? My friends, that is power. Social media influence over thousands who vote with their likes and their dollars. I am the first author who generated income BEFORE the book launched. Yes seriously. Thousands of pre-orders, bookmarks, and posters; and that is just the beginning. We all know that “Angel Barbie” is around the corner next year. Imagine the number of fans after my book comes out and people love fall in love with my carefully crafted characters. Braeden and Morgan are going to be the two number 1 baby names. Trust me on this one. It’s going to be big. 😉
If your business page is struggling and your posts aren’t liked there is a reason. Facebook is the one place that you can’t fake it. You’re either liked or you’re not. Impressive fan numbers perpetuate that snowball effect of increasing popularity. I have successfully replicated this process on 3 different business pages using the same formula.
My new book will talk about NOT how I did it, but TEACH you how to do it too. Too many want to brag about their results but not tell you how to do it yourself. Boo. Remember I was an online college professor, so this comes naturally for me. Develop a great product, connect with your customers and turn fans into loyal customers.


Do Facebook LIKES translate into sales? The answer is YES! There is a strategy and a madness to my methods and I will explain each of them at a sixth grade level. Personally when I am learning something new I look at credentials of the expert. A lot of the other “experts” don’t even list educational credentials or any experience. I wonder, “How is it you make all these claims when there is nothing really to back it up?”
There is so much to know other than writing a good book. There is pre-launch period, where all kinds of things happen. This is probably the busiest time of activity, tasks, phone calls, meetings, appointments, partnerships, alliances. There is a ton of marketing that has to happen. Most people can’t afford a marketing manager, publicist, web designer, graphic designer and spokesperson and so they are forced to do what they can on their own and leverage the talent of friends.
I have read Michael Hyatt’s book called Platform and I am now reading Jeff Walker’s book Launch, neither who have advanced degrees or have been a marketing manager or a product manager. I was the marketing manager for the Colorado Bar Association continuing legal education and left there to be a product manager at SGI Business group for GE. From there I went into retail marketing management for Best Buy for 7 years. I find it a little disturbing. How can someone tell you how a marketing plan is supposed to be inclusive of your plan if they never had one themselves? Hmmm, odd they never once talk about marketing plans, organization, structure, financing, advertising or ever power partners. Launch had 24 endorsements from well known names. 24! Why so many? Do you need to convince the reader that you fooled other people about your book?
What I find very interesting, is every person who endorsed his book did not have a massive following of fans because of his book, nor stated his book actually was used in their own efforts. Yes, I checked and looked them up. In all fairness, the book LAUNCH has a super long subtitle (not recommended) that is (get ready for it) “An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams”. It’s the “almost anything” that gets him out of not having a real marketing plan. I’ll sum it up for you in one sentence. “Email your friends (if you have any, surely you have one … your mom) and ask for their help in endorsing and supporting you so they email their friends. Repeat over and over.” Sorry, but my own mother hasn’t been going around telling people that her son is a published author and she even has an actual book in her possession and it hasn’t launched yet.
Do you know what a product champion is? It is NOT the person who is going to spam their friends via email for your product/idea. Sorry. It is someone on your marketing team, or not on the team, who is out there pushing and promoting your product. You did not pay this person, or even ask for their assistance. They took it upon themselves to advance your cause. I have dozens of these people across the globe doing the same thing for me now for Angel Academy. Why? Because I resonate with these people on some level and we see things eye to eye. It might have been a blog like this one, maybe it was LIKING their product or page, or even supporting them and retweeting, it might have been a random thought, it might be what I stand for. Regardless the reason, they are there, helping you. Your silent invisible angel blessing your mission. I like to think of these individuals as your secret weapon in your launch. Neither of these books talks about product champions.
You know, it’s not that I come up with these terrific ideas. I would have to say more than anything I am very keen at identifying areas in the marketplace that have gone unfulfilled adequately. This goes to a very basic S.W.O.T. analysis. Determining the market for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and then maximizing on them.  I have decided to market my marketing background, product management, sales AND my M.B.A. as an expert and authority in the matter. Will I identify additional areas of opportunity and maximize on it? Absolutely.
Many people see a challenge and a problem and give up too easily.  I see an opportunity and a chance to make an impact (financially, emotionally, relationship). I have to say I am very excited about my new book, which for now will be code name “Platform MBA”. I will incorporate all the things using my business and marketing expertise to help millions. As you can see this is a book that has been a work in the making. It’s going to be just awesome!



Oh The Places We Could Go!

So here is what I am thinking for my book launch. I am contemplating doing a book signing event in NYC in Times Square at Barnes & Noble flagship store. I love New York City and things are looking extremely positive for setting up with Barnes & Noble. So why not pick the biggest city where I could sell the most amount of books? barnesWhy limit myself just to Denver? I have a pretty large following of fans and I know of ton of them would love to see me in person. Airfare is all a part of doing business, especially when you are launching an international best seller. I’ll start looking at hotels tomorrow along with flights. I think a Saturday morning and afternoon would be fun, then I could go explore the city in the evening and then go to another store in the city, probably downtown and do another signing before leaving Sunday night. Afterwards we could take in a show or go to a club as VIP’s. Yes seriously.


I was also considering Washington D.C. as another location. I’ll stop by the White House and give a few books to the First Lady. Yes also serious. Last I checked she had two little girls. Everyone knows that you can’t be the President if you don’t have a religious upbringing. So why not stop by, say hi, take some selfies and then do another book signing in the D.C. area. It’ll be fun.


Everything that I have foretold that would happen has happened. Angels are seriously making all these amazing things happen. It’s their book. Last night I was visited by angels who gave me an amazing new story line … dream angels. They visit you in your dreams to tell you important messages. They can’t wait for me to start writing about it. Angel Academy was created in 25 days. The rest of the books will also be created in record time. I already have all the stories recorded in my head. blackcardAngels have also told me that I have suddenly shown up American Express Centurion’s radar. Did you know there is a celebrity division that can get you a black card through a back door? If I am reserving limited edition signed books for their members certainly they would want to add me to their list of distinguished celebrities right?

Need Help Getting a Job?

Speaker at Business Conference and Presentation.
Friends, if you didn’t know I have an MBA (Master’s degree in Business Administration) in Human Resources and taught at a college for almost a decade, guiding seniors marketing themselves before graduation. I have helped thousands get good jobs.


After my book launches and is on auto pilot I plan on a new book for my fans providing some really cool tactics for getting a job, getting a promotion or starting your own business. There is a ton of wisdom, secrets I learned working HR at Best Buy and Walmart for over a decade! I also worked with unions at AT&T wireless for 4 years. Oh the things I can tell that would make an employer pay big money to shut me up. Seriously.  Who can you trust? Who can’t you trust? You THINK you can trust your HR department, but guess what? They work for the employer’s best interest, not yours! spacer
Did you know that are certain things you can say in an interview that will automatically disqualify you? Yep, and there are words that are music to an employers ears. I have interviewed thousands of candidates and for years I used to post the funny things they would say. Someone once told me I should write a book with all those things in it. Your comic relief is someone’s LIFE we’re talking about. I know, funny right?
In my classes I would actually tell the candidate afterward what they said wrong and why I would never hire them or advance them to the next round. VERY valuable feedback. Students would tell me consistently that my class was the ONE thing in college that was worth something that they could use in the real world. What if I told you some secrets when negotiating your next salary or promotion? When is the right time to talk about salary? Bringing up at a certain point and time will hinder your earning potential. How about a chapter on “All the things NOT to say in an interview?” That could be it’s own book!  Look for it in 2015. spacer
The angels were right. They asked me to please focus on ONE book for now, which I am doing, and they promised me that after it launches the world will buy any book that I write. Everything they have told me has come to fruition and I give thanks. There is a whole new world that is about to unfold before your eyes.spacer
I have also been told by angels that the results I see on my Facebook fan pages are only the tip of the iceberg of what really is going on behind the scenes. Millions will buy and read my book before they EVER say they like it. After they read it, they will wish for a LOVE button instead of a like button.spacer
Every day a child tells me “I love you” in a language I cannot read. My response, like God’s is, “Love you too.”

Special Edition Hardbound

Tree home in the magic forest
The plan is the limited edition signed leather-bound will release this December, just in time for Christmas for $99.99. Only 100,000 copies will be published, available ONLY through me. 10,000 are reserved for American Express Centurion members. (Black Card members can submit a request to their concierge) Each will be signed and numbered by me. Pre-orders will open after 11.18.14.


The beta members all voted for their favorite character, with the winning character receiving additional “write time”. That story will be available in the special edition.


The normal hardbound will come out in January 2015, just after holiday when kids have a fistful of cash to spend. The money raised from the special edition will be used as seed money to fund the production of Angel Academy, the animated movie.
Traditional publishers just want to make money, so they release the most expensive (hardbound) first, six months later, they release paperback and maybe eBook at the same time. I’m doing it reversed. Paper & eBook at once, and then pricey hardbound for those who REALLY want an autographed copy.


Great News! We are still working on getting our book translations for our foreign friends! Here’s the cool thing, Vietnamese (my peeps) is going to be first and it will be specially priced at .99 USD! Spanish, German, and Arabic are right behind and will be priced at $2.99 USD. Look for these editions in 2015! New book covers possible for different editions. English eBooks on sale at: for only $7.99! Go to the home screen and click on the banner for your favorite online retailer. 

Advance Copy

Today I went to an office supply store to have the final manuscript printed off. I told the clerk that I needed it printed front back with three holes so I could put it in a binder. As silly as it sounds, I got really excited seeing it finally printed. The advance copies will be here this week, so this is the first time I have seen the final printed, edited version. It literally has been months since I saw it, handing over a raw, rough final draft. I ordered a red inking stamp to imprint on all the books “ADVANCE COPY”. I only printed 100, so I imagine one day if someone has one it will be worth something. Right now I am sending them to media, television, spiritual leaders and celebrities. I want the Pope to have a copy, as well as Oprah. Sure why not right? I was told in meditation that anything is possible if you only attempt it. 10 will be used as prizes on


I’m currently in the process of working with Barnes & Noble in Thornton, Colorado for doing my book launch. They will be one of many stores. The key is to get one to approve me, and then the rest will be like dominos, one right after another. I am still waiting to hear back from Hastings Entertainment (, another big bookstore retailer. Individual stores many times have to contact their corporate office for approval. They have over 500 stores so it is worth my time to utilize them. The idea behind it is that they have a store in my hometown back in Nebraska. If I go there and do a book signing event, they will want to have me in all their stores. Kearney Nebraska has not had any big authors there doing any events …ever.  So this will be a cool fun time.spacer
I also had 50 flyers printed up that announce my book signing events. Stores can put them up to advertise the event. Make things as easy as possible for the store so they will want to host you.
This weekend is the Mile High Horror Film Festival that I will be attending on Friday and Saturday.You won’t recognize me because I will be hiding behind a costume with makeup on. 🙂 My editor is also a small business owner making interesting jewelry and decorative items for this niche market. If you like her stuff help her out and like her page. I would be so grateful if you did. Thanks. Leave her a message that you found her from my blog.

he is also my editor and one of my best friends, and she has a table this weekend showcasing her products. I am co-sponsoring her table and I will have a display of the book with free bookmarks. So if you happen to be at the film festival you can grab one of these goodies. They aren’t signed, but they are still really cool. If you’re a reader, shove it in your favorite book. That way you won’t forget that Angel Academy is coming out. spacer
The bookmarks, btw are super popular. I carry them with me everywhere and whomever I talk with I end up giving them one or two bookmarks. Women especially love the cartoonish Disneylike characters. Boys really dig Braeden, so it was really smart of me to double side the bookmark and put the “Sleeping Beauty” angel, Morgan on one side and the “Hercules” angel, Braeden on the other side. My smiling face is on both sides. spacer
I am sure you have not read through all my postings on the Facebook fan pages, so I’ll just reiterate for you now. Some of the cool things planned for Angel Academy is merchandising. My background is marketing so I have angel “Barbie” dolls planned. If it is actually Mattel that produces the dolls, that is to still be determined. Regardless, I can contract to have dolls made and marketed under the Angel Academy brand.  Next year look for angel dolls to go on Christmas trees. Ornaments of course would be a natural complimentary gift. I was thinking like Swarovski, only doing one ornament a year with one character; make it special.
I am also planing a couple of different events in the Denver area that I will be making appearances. One is a holiday event where I actually am bringing signed, wrapped books. The other is going to be at my church, Mile Hi Church. If you didn’t know I sing in the choir. We sing on the 3rd Sunday of every month. You can go online and stream the service and signing. You can actually see me, as I am in the front row. It is my only normally scheduled appearance as of right now. I was selected to sing in the descant, a small group of soloists, for this month. So be sure you tune in when I’m signing. You’ll be able to see and hear me for sure! I’m excited.
I am contemplating my own television show. It would be something of a talk show, interview type of show. The easiest thing would be to record it and then post it on YouTube and let everyone on my fan pages know about it.


You may have noticed that this blog different from other author’s blogs. No advertising, nothing blinking at you, popping up at you. Just my writing that you can read distraction-free. That’s how I like to read, I figured you’re a lot like me in that regard. I hope you enjoyed this blog.


You like to read. I like to write.  What a great combination we make.


I added a “subscription” at the bottom of the site. When I post a blog it will send you an email notification. My other blog my friends really liked that feature. Of course it will always post to Facebook and Twitter that there is a new blog. 

