Wouldn’t you like to know what the government’s bank account looks like? I mean seriously, every time you get paid, they get paid. Every time someone wins the lottery they get paid. Every time someone DIES from COVID, they keep all those years of paying into social security. Sure they are trillions of dollars in debt, but to what extent? They always seem to have plenty of money, yet no one seems too concerned that they are spending now that will have detrimental effects on the future generations to come.
To make things even GREATER for our wonderful nation, there are over TEN million immigrants marching towards to the United States of Welfare. I say that because they are all going to be accepted and welcomed. I know, right? What. The. Heck. It isn’t like there aren’t 60+ million people suffering or unemployed now, but now our system is going to be under more pressure. What do you want to bet that many of them are probably infected with the virus. Hello!? We can’t travel to foreign countries but we are going to let all these strangers into ours? Shouldn’t the American citizens get vaccines and safety first? Half a million are dead. Now they are adding over 10 million. Where are they going to live? Who is going to give them healthcare? Food? I think there is already a huge homeless problem.
Now if we were to play devil’s advocate, we could point out that Biden is secretly stacking the deck for the next election. What? What do you mean? Well, think about it, he is adding ten million+ new voters to the path of citizenship, and who wouldn’t vote for the guy that gave them freedom, a life, a future for their children? Biden won by 8 million popular votes. Surely he will win by even more when this baloney under the rug backdoor immigration policy goes through. The country had/has an immigration VISA policy now. Why does one man think he has the power or better decision making to change the entire economic policy? Well Trump did it, so why can’t he? Trump banned multiple countries from even entering, and ICE enforcement was at an all time high.
Whether you like it or not, it is happening. We still do not know the overall impact of the virus and even when it will be safe to venture out again. But I do know that there will always be open positions for low level entry jobs that many Americans feel is beneath them. Even the kids today don’t want to work in fast food or retail. So who is going to pick the beans? Clean the hotel rooms? Wash the dishes? Clean your homes? Yep, these immigrants will do it, and they will even smile and be nice to you. Sometimes people don’t have a choice. But you do. You have the choice to be nice. You have the choice to not be judgmental and condemning. Everyone has challenges and are having a hard time with something. Be that better person and give someone a break.
And in case if you missed it, the CW has launched a new television series, “Superman & Lois”. You can catch it on the app if you missed it. This is a different take on the same story, as this time, Clark has 2 young teenage boys. Kyle from Teen Wolf and Elizabeth from Grimm star in this rebooted comic book hero. I caught the pilot and I was not disappointed. And on the big screen, Milla Jobavich stars in Monster Killer, now showing in theaters, and also at home digital rental. I loved her in The Fifth Element and she was awesome in the Resident Evil series. I checked it out and I actually really enjoyed it. Just remember “Suspension of the disbelief.” It means, the story line is actually somewhat believable and you can enjoy it for that reason alone.
Career Coaching
Check out the livestream feed from Denver! Yesterday it was smokey and 99 degrees, and today it is 34 degrees and raining in the metro. Up in the high country (the mountains) they are experiencing snow! So if you were praying for some cooler weather and precipitation also, our prayers have been answered. If you can see the video, it is a shot from what appears to be Bronco Stadium, at Mile High Field, overlooking I-25 traffic and the downtown skyline. As I a writing, the lens is kind of blurry due to the rain so I can’t say for sure.
So the post today is about career coaching, and I think that this actually should be something that is used with high school students at an early stage. I’m not a high school teacher, but I was a college professor. Having a background in sales and marketing is super advantageous when looking for a job. So how do you choose a career when you are young and impressionable? My favorite question as a kid, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Hmmm, good question right? How the F would a five year old know the answer to that? Well, I suppose your parents could have your career trajectory all planned out for you, but for the rest of us, it was a — fly by the seat of my pants — kind of moment, and I just made something up everything I was asked. If you have kids, did you encourage the talents shown by your little students and introduce them to someone who is actually doing it? Because no one in their right mind is going to say, “Gee, I think one day I want to be a middle manager sitting in a cubicle staring at a computer screen all day.”
So for years I have had the idea of doing something with all the human resource knowledge that I have acquired over the years and put it to good use. Sure I talk with individuals and help them along, but nothing on a large scale magnitude. I am pretty sure there are a lot of HR professionals who read these blogs. I did start a manuscript years ago, but I would rather just publish on my website to my readers, rather than doing an e-book or hardcopy. Why? Well, you can always load my blog on your phone easily and take me with you to read later. And it is SFW (safe for work). Although I am going to divulge some secrets from the industry that you won’t hear anywhere else. These are some things you need to know, and remember.
Human Resources is NOT your friend. Wait, what? They are always so nice. Uh huh. We are trained to be nice. We smile at you when we recruit you and we smile at you when you sign your separation notice. We, as in HR, are here for the owner and the shareholders best profitable interest. We are here to mitigate risk, and assess talent to make money for the company. When you F up, we are here to performance manage you so we can fire you later. Yep, seriously, that is how it works. And when you file unemployment and try to sue us, we are there to show documentation that we are in the right and you are just a bad employee. Wow, that is quite a bit to take in — isn’t it?
When I was in college, I was involved in the American Marketing Association. I actually was an officer and was in charge of fundraising and finance. Both of these roles are super important in the corporate world. We had a big name speaker, which I can’t remember now, come to campus to teach us all about the “hidden job market”. It was kind of a big deal. Looking back, there was some nuggets from that seminar. If you are an HR person, you know what I mean, and if you are not — then I am going to shed some light on the subject. If you are looking for a job in your field, I strongly encourage you to interview someone who is doing it now, as an active job. Why? Well, there is a lot of hidden wisdom here and when I worked with my college students, I made them, interview 3. 10 questions that included what they liked, loved and hated about their current profession. It was just for information and to determine if this was an actual fit for the individual. Hey you want to be a nurse? Did you know you have some shitty situations, and until you get those little letters behind your name, you will have to pay your dues. While not usually suggested for the interview, it is a really good idea to know what your entry level to high level manager salary is going to be. You need to be able to translate what $15 an hour is annually, and know the reverse. So when HR calls and says we would like to extend an offer of $25,000 a year, that is actually only $12.02 an hour. Hmmm, not so appealing now. Take the annual divided 2080, which is the number of hours worked a year. Now keep in mind, HR usually is not the key decision maker and when you balk at it or sit in silence, know that they can’t and won’t just up the offer. You will need to thankfully accept the offer and let them know you will give them an answer in 24 hours. Now, you should have the email, and business card of the person who decides your salary. Talk to that person.
I am not going to go over information interview protocols, as I am sure they are dozens of articles already out there. Keep in mind that at some point in your in person discussion, you may spark the interest of your interviewee. Like, as in, he/she may see the talent and potential in you and may want to recruit you at a later date. DO NOT take or give this person a resume at this point. Why? You will lose trust. You said you were there just for information and you secretly were trying to get a job. So inform him/her that you don’t have it, but you would be happy to talk about some of your most recent wins/achievements … now. Example: “As you know I am a big blogger with thousands of readers, and writing is sort of my thing. I’d really like to work for an editorial group like yours one day. A lot of your core goals and objectives align with my own, such as ______.” So you get the idea. You will be much more effective talking to someone in person, rather than having them read a bunch of very well written action statements. Like what you say? How about “High performing sales manager who consistently met or exceeded sales objectives and is the top performing in the region.” Yes, well, now this is very nicely well written claim, can it be proven? Besides, you are much more charming and convincing in person that a black and white piece of paper.
So practice on some of your friends and coworkers (from other departments) and see what the answers are. Who knows you might learn something from that person, or maybe he/she will help you look for new jobs that haven’t been posted on the internet.