Negative Nancy & Debbie Downer

Do you know these two ladies? In society today, people or characters are created to personify a stereotype. Of course every Nancy isn’t negative, and every Debbie isn’t a downer. Every Karen isn’t a bitch, and every Chad isn’t a dick. Just imagine though, for a moment if all these “characters” all got together and made their own little club. Oh shit, too late. It’s called Congress. Seriously think of all the negativity and bad shit that goes on back and forth between our elected officials. Well sometimes those negative people aren’t just in congress and the house, they are in your own backyard, your neighborhood, your grocery store, your Walmart and yes, even in your own home.


Where does that negativity come from? Is someone forcing you to be negative or nice? Explain your reasoning to someone like they are a five year old and the reason you HATE _______ (insert your most despised ethnic/organized group) is because they ________ me personally in some fashion. Well if your reason is you don’t like someone(s) is because they are different from you then that is a shitty explanation. BUT wait for it … that is the basis of most racism and hatred. WTF right? So if you are white and only like white people then maybe you should go be Amish, where there are no colored people.



What if YOU are one of those bad parents, who is also negative, who looks back at his/her life thinking you made a mistake. You wish you didn’t have responsibilities, and kids, and a spouse. Trust me on this one, it is real and the reason why divorce rates are so exponentially high. Maybe, just maybe some parents are so careless and reckless in their own lives in protecting their children. Birthrates are at an all time low. And who can blame a parent not wanting to have kids during a pandemic. After all, the kids today aren’t safe, who is to say an unborn baby is any safer? I would think that a newborn would be extremely vulnerable as they really haven’t had time to develop a strong immune system.



Believe it or not, but there is a large portion of the population that just don’t like kids. In fact, they might even go as far as to say they despise them. I can think of a few groups that don’t particularly like to take responsibility. I can’t think of quite of a few deadbeat dads and selfish moms who also fit into that category. Billionaire Robert Branson for one. He developed an entire cruise ship that bans kids. Nice. There is already a job/labor issue that is dramatically affecting the economy. Imagine if tomorrow’s parents are all wiped out because of the virus. Millions worldwide have died, and millions more will die alone. I think Whitney Houston said it best. “I believe the children are our future.”

