Choose Your Side Wisely

So I know a lot of my readers are not on Facebook, and that is totally cool. I personally know of dozens of friends in real life who don’t even have an account. But they still have email. So anyway, I saw this in my newsfeed and it really hit home. I personally do not understand why the republican party thinks that their constituents/voters have not been impacted by the virus, and that only rich people are republicans. Because CLEARLY all the uneducated red neck rioters at the capital were NOT the upper crust of society. 75 million people are republican. As I stated in my last post, everyone needs/wants money. We don’t all make 174k a year like a senator does. Most of them are all millionaires already. It’s like all the rich kids got together and decided to bully all the poor kids (us) and now they can kind of get away with it. Oh wait, some people, still do get away with it.



I had a friend who is a republican and I asked her WHY she was her party. She said she didn’t want people who don’t deserve shit getting shit when she has to pay for it. Like free healthcare when you are an illegal. Wow. I realized at that point my “friend” was a shitty person and it was best to part ways. I did however, ask her if I could see her immigration health bill. Her what? You know, the bill that she was sent that specifically covered illegal healthcare. Oh, she didn’t have one. So I told her to grow the F up and be a better person. One day, she or someone she loves is going to need assistance from someone, and she better pray that is readily available. What if, say in 50 years the population somehow has become dominant non-white? Say only 1% of the doctors are white. Then what? There are so many people that “think” their perspective or outlook is the only one. You can be king of the world one day, and then banished the next.


So if you live in a state where you voted for a republican congress-person or senator, it is clear that your representative does NOT have YOUR best interests at heart. They are selfish, greedy, corrupt politicians who are only looking out for themselves. It is horrible and evil that the republicans are doing things to cheat the American people. Suppressing the vote so it is harder for everyone to vote is not cool. They can’t win legitimately so they do things to put the odds in their favor. And I want to throw a huge shout out to Stacey Abrams of Georgia, who spearheaded the movement to get thousands of new voters registered, which resulted in the democrats winning control of the senate, and ultimately passed this COVID relief plan, which Biden says we will see checks this month. I think I can speak for millions when I say that any amount of assistance is greatly appreciated. As always, we give thanks that we made it yet, another day in the pandemic.


Can you imagine the chaos if the bill was written that you only get a check if your Representative voted for it? Trump said if you posted on social media #notmypresident you wouldn’t get a stimulus check. And isn’t it ironic how millions didn’t get one in the second round? If a senator got thousands and thousands of calls, letters, emails, and texts saying I am a voter in your district and I am not voting for you, I think that might get some attention. Imagine for just a moment, if TEN more senate seats were won for the democrats. Yeah, the rich people would be in trouble. Go Senator Warren. I support you 100%! Bezo you are in trouble. And remember, folks, those tariffs on China haven’t been lifted, so your apple iPhones and Nintendo Switches all get hit, …. which means you get hit.

