The Fear of God

Well that sure is a strong title for blog article isn’t it? Why yes, yes it is. It was designed for some people to stop what they are doing and pay attention. Why should/would I fear God? Because you are lost. You forgot who your master is. Every single person on this planet believes in some higher power. So let’s rewind a few thousand years when Pharaoh had thousands of slaves and Moses said “Let my people go.” Well, we all know he didn’t, and so forth came the wrath of God. The first born of every family and animal all were terminated. By God, or actually by his angels. God doesn’t destroy, he just watches and orders his angels to do his bidding. How do I know this? It’s like common knowledge, but if you insist on knowing further, God actually talks with me. Daily. And I talk to God, daily. Y’all call it prayer in some cultures. I call it conversation, enlightenment, self actualization. What — did you think God only talked to Moses and that was it? Well, that would make things pretty boring if all you did was sit around and listen and never talked. Well, God actually talks THROUGH many of his champions … like me. No seriously, sometimes there is a message he needs someone to hear and they aren’t listening. Remember in WandaVision when the FBI guy was trying to get through to Wanda through the radio? Same thing, except “I” am the radio, and God knows one of my readers will pay attention.


So what is the message? Ready? Stop the hate. Stop the hurt. Or you will get hurt. Wow, that is pretty powerful if you ask me. WHAT if, … your guardian IS keeping score and at some point the wrath of God will come and terminate those who he feels is full of hate? What if someone you love is going to have to pay for YOUR hate? Everyone has hate in them, even me. I hate spammers and robocalls. But that is not the same as hating on an individual because of skin color, voice accent, or a physical trait. It has been a very long time that people have worshiped the Lord as churches have been closed for over a year. Yes, God knows who is still praying and not praying, who is a good kind person and who is a piece of shit. Some of those pieces are going to get it in the next life.


A friend will stand up for you when you need help. A true friend will stand up for you when you are not present. Be a friend to someone who needs your help.

Those who worship a false god, a statue made of gold, will certainly face dire consequences. (Not my words, I’m just the messenger).


Stop The Hurt

I know a lot of my readers are just as confused as I am. What am I talking about you may ask? Well, if you didn’t know, yesterday an Asian killing happened in Atlanta and this was clearly a hate crime, despite the murderer (in custody) saying it wasn’t. So my YouTube news was flooded with videos and news commentary about the situation, and OMG this is seriously getting out of hand. First of all, they are attacking geriatric fossils who can’t defend themselves. Like, hey, let’s go pick on some fifth graders so we can feel like a big bully.



If I was witness to that happening to ANY elder person, regardless of race, background religion or whatever, it would be the WRATH OF AARON and I gotta say, it would not be pretty. 35 years of virtual training on a gaming console has left me with some very valuable skills. Yes, that’s right, I have a 9mm handgun. If EVERY person was armed, I think there would be a heck of a lot less attacks. How many first person shooter games have YOU played? How many hundreds of hours looking down a scope for the enemy? I think every Asian needs to be armed with at least a stun gun tazer, so when they see it happening to someone being attacked they can attack back. Shit I’d hit him with a fucking flare gun right at the head. Yes, seriously. Okay, I don’t carry a flare gun, but I carry my keys and I would have no problem paralyzing someone from the neck down. One swift hit in the back of the neck and it would be vegetable city forever. I took a few classes here and there. One thing to remember if you are ever held at gun point, give them your wallet, throw it on the ground and run like hell.


I do not promote violence, but when it comes to fight or flight, I will do both. And Dexter taught me how to bleed someone out very easily.


Say Cheese!

Depending on your age, you may think that I am referring to the popular catch phrase people say when posing for a picture. As a photographer I love catching an authentic smile, maybe even a laugh. And then of course, get the Instagram version. I actually am about to give a scathing review, related nothing to posing for a photogram. <- that would actually be a cool app name for a photography rival app.

I recently had a big bag of “Great Value” mozzarella cheese show up in my kitchen and I am very unhappy to say that it is horrible cheese. If you weren’t aware that is the house brand name for Walmart. The cheese doesn’t melt correctly. So there must be something “in” it to cause it to react that way. Hey, I’m not a chemist or a biologist, but I am a chef and I do know when a cheese is funky when you put it on a pizza. So the other day I stopped by Target, to you know, get some good cheese, and they did not have a single package of Kraft or Sargentos. They had this off the wall house brand, and only had Mexican cheese in stock. Wow. Overall I find that Target is always a huge disappointment. They never have what I want … and the overall selection is pretty bad. Artichokes. I’m not grasping for anything fancy. NEITHER stores had artichokes.


Artisan flour. Again, neither store had artisan flour. If you want to have delicious entrees you need to have high quality ingredients. Needless to say, my quest ultimately ended at my local Safeway. Yeah, I know, as crazy as it sounds, they carry the Red Mill brand, which has EVERY possible kind of flour you could ever dream of. I was asked what do you use all purpose flour for, if it wasn’t good enough for my kitchen. Gravy. It is good for thickening sauces and making gravy. Children paper mache projects. Yeah, that would probably be it. I mean, if you are eating something, do yourself a favor and don’t go cheap. And actually, the artisan flour was on sale, 20% off so it was just a little bit more than all purpose flour. I tried using some all purpose flour for a pizza and it was soft and chewy. It wouldn’t even crisp up when baking it alone for a few minutes.



Last week I made Italian Runzas. If you don’t know what they are, they are basically a calzone, but with an awesome bread wrapping. They are from a restaurant out of Nebraska, which actually discontinued this version of the original runza, which is ground beef and cabbage. Artisan flour made it amazing. I don’t know what kind of flour they use in the restaurant, but mine tastes exactly like theirs. Lard and sugar in the dough recipe, instead of using butter — like what copycats use. Sadly over the years, the restaurants got cheap and used less meat/filling mixture and all you get is a mouthful of expensive bread/flour. Seriously. I think they cost about $4 a runza. As much as I love Runza, they lost me as a customer as I can clearly do it better.


If you weren’t aware there is a massive snow storm headed to the Colorado Rockies and they predict it will be feet of snow. So of course everyone is buying tons of groceries like they are all going off grid for a month. And if you missed it, Good Girls on NBC started up again, and it is totally worth watching. Love that show. As much as some readers would like my thoughts on the British scandal, … all I can say is I am pretty naive because I don’t usually see “color”, and I had no idea she is half black. The world, our own homes have their own problems. Sorry Meghan is having a hard time. I am sure the Kardashians are rolling their eyes and laughing.

In a world of rock paper scissors, ginger trumps the skinny latte. If you want a seriously entertaining review, go watch Ben Shapiro. I did and I laughed out loud.



Choose Your Side Wisely

So I know a lot of my readers are not on Facebook, and that is totally cool. I personally know of dozens of friends in real life who don’t even have an account. But they still have email. So anyway, I saw this in my newsfeed and it really hit home. I personally do not understand why the republican party thinks that their constituents/voters have not been impacted by the virus, and that only rich people are republicans. Because CLEARLY all the uneducated red neck rioters at the capital were NOT the upper crust of society. 75 million people are republican. As I stated in my last post, everyone needs/wants money. We don’t all make 174k a year like a senator does. Most of them are all millionaires already. It’s like all the rich kids got together and decided to bully all the poor kids (us) and now they can kind of get away with it. Oh wait, some people, still do get away with it.



I had a friend who is a republican and I asked her WHY she was her party. She said she didn’t want people who don’t deserve shit getting shit when she has to pay for it. Like free healthcare when you are an illegal. Wow. I realized at that point my “friend” was a shitty person and it was best to part ways. I did however, ask her if I could see her immigration health bill. Her what? You know, the bill that she was sent that specifically covered illegal healthcare. Oh, she didn’t have one. So I told her to grow the F up and be a better person. One day, she or someone she loves is going to need assistance from someone, and she better pray that is readily available. What if, say in 50 years the population somehow has become dominant non-white? Say only 1% of the doctors are white. Then what? There are so many people that “think” their perspective or outlook is the only one. You can be king of the world one day, and then banished the next.


So if you live in a state where you voted for a republican congress-person or senator, it is clear that your representative does NOT have YOUR best interests at heart. They are selfish, greedy, corrupt politicians who are only looking out for themselves. It is horrible and evil that the republicans are doing things to cheat the American people. Suppressing the vote so it is harder for everyone to vote is not cool. They can’t win legitimately so they do things to put the odds in their favor. And I want to throw a huge shout out to Stacey Abrams of Georgia, who spearheaded the movement to get thousands of new voters registered, which resulted in the democrats winning control of the senate, and ultimately passed this COVID relief plan, which Biden says we will see checks this month. I think I can speak for millions when I say that any amount of assistance is greatly appreciated. As always, we give thanks that we made it yet, another day in the pandemic.


Can you imagine the chaos if the bill was written that you only get a check if your Representative voted for it? Trump said if you posted on social media #notmypresident you wouldn’t get a stimulus check. And isn’t it ironic how millions didn’t get one in the second round? If a senator got thousands and thousands of calls, letters, emails, and texts saying I am a voter in your district and I am not voting for you, I think that might get some attention. Imagine for just a moment, if TEN more senate seats were won for the democrats. Yeah, the rich people would be in trouble. Go Senator Warren. I support you 100%! Bezo you are in trouble. And remember, folks, those tariffs on China haven’t been lifted, so your apple iPhones and Nintendo Switches all get hit, …. which means you get hit.



Tax The Super Rich

The United States of America COULD be the best country in the world. We have the resources, the money, and the land to build a tiny house for every single legal citizen and every undocumented person who wants to live here. Millions of empty land all over this country and trillions of dollars in the government. Seriously, if the government really wanted to do it, they could very easily buy up land, and build massive communities of tiny homes. They could even do a universal basic income for everyone, and not even feel it. Other counties do it. A place to get mail, sleep safe and sound. A place to call home. It would also clean up so many dirty, nasty “tent” cities. If I was Jeff Bezo I could snap my fingers and make it happen. But I’m not, so I can just write about how great life could be, … if I was Jeff.


Everyone wants free money. Almost everyone wants to win the lottery. Who wouldn’t want free money if the government gave it. Well there are certainly going to be some people that will finally benefit from the Biden Stimulus package. But lets be real. $1400 is not a lot of money. Oh sure to some people it means being able to eat 3 times a day instead of 2. For families that don’t get food stamps, that extra financial support for those kids is going to be a real big deal. I think we all know there are over 75 million republicans. It’s not just democrats that are needing money. The reality is that our economy can’t survive with just rich people. It can’t survive with just poor people There is a happy balance somewhere where we all can work and live together harmoniously.




I think that when your company becomes SO super rich, that it needs to give huge wins back in forms of scholarships, grants, programs, or they get taxed at the higher rate. Come on, it is SO not fair that Amazon pays no federal income tax. They make billions and I pay more tax than they do. What. The. F.  When rich people get their stimulus money they just deposit in their money market account, which does nothing for the economy. In Colorado, millions will be cashing that bad boy and using it in the closest dispensary and heading to the liquor store. Fact. Dispensaries saw a HUGE influx in cash/customers with the last 2 stimulus checks. Hey if they are locked up at home, at least they are happy, relaxed and enjoying their Disney+.


WandaVision … what can I say? I liked it. I loved it. I can’t wait for season 2. And if you weren’t aware, there are TWO secret scenes after the credits. Seriously. Those sneaky bastards. Naked & Afraid new season starts Sunday, with a marathon on the Discovery channel all day.



Branding Yourself

If you are reading this blog/article via email, then you won’t see my website header, which includes my smiling face, my educational credentials, and other fun aspects of “who” I am. This is called branding. Here it is for those readers:
AaronMstephensMBAIf you were one of my clients I would instruct you to do something similar in your own efforts. It will help you to narrow your audience and help your readers determine if they want to keep reading. Also, as a … we will just say “influencer” or future influencer, you want people to remember you “for” something. And if you are selling something, they will automatically think of you. You may not have as many “things” you are branding, and maybe you just want people to know you are a _____. (realtor, attorney, writer, artist, actor, salesman … you get the idea)



In addition to spending time writing expert articles on your blog, you will want to cultivate some of the more popular platforms. The great thing with your blog/website, is you can very easily share your articles to all your platforms. Chances are you already have “some” followers, people who are not your friends or family. I am sure you are still using e-mail, so in your footer signature, you can add your website and Facebook business page. Over the years I have gained thousands of new readers by someone who got an email or forwarded email from me. When you manage and develop these platforms, it is important that you do not repeat the same content across all platforms. What? So, if you post a photograph of an awesome dinner on Instagram, do NOT put it Facebook, or Snap it. Why? Well, a lot of your fans/followers follow you across multiple platforms. So it is best to only share certain things on certain places. Does that make sense?  Of course you can do whatever you want, but if you want to gain new followers, then you will want to create new content across different platforms. I don’t have millions of followers, and I’m just a normal guy. I’m not a celebrity, a rock star, or even anyone remotely famous. I just have a lot of people that like to read my thoughts. Or so I have been told. Content is key, and writing or creating good/entertaining content is king.



One more thing, when you are branding yourself, it is a really good idea to use a semi-professional looking picture for your profile shot. Now, once you have a million followers and you are identified because of your keen unique sense of style, then do whatever.  But for starters, it is not hard to get a decent background and good lighting for that first impression. Yes, I am guilty of taking car selfies, and they are all over my Instagram. Do yourself a favor and take off the sunglasses and pretend for five minutes that you are someone’s role model. That one day, someone may just want to interview you, hire you, photograph you, and you really want an amazing first impression. There literally are over a billion Asian men on this planet. I’ve been told I am remembered by my beautiful smile. Awww. That is a good thing, since I have literally spent thousands on dental work.

On a final note, if you are a parent, a teacher or a caregiver, you are also a role model. Probably a very important one. A thousand thank you’s for all you do. With great power comes great responsibility.




Are you a new social media influencer?

Are you looking for some helpful advice to growing your audience? As a marketing expert, and social media influencer myself, I thought I would throw out some cool tips and tricks if you are starting your own following. I actually have coached paying clients on how to reproduce the same system that I have been using. I know there are a lot of my friends in my own circle who are continually perplexed on how is it that a normal ordinary guy like Aaron M. Stephens manage to amass such a ridiculous number of fans/followers/readers? Believe it or not, it all comes down to marketing.



YOU are the product. So, what are you selling? Preaching? Teaching? People ask me what do I sell and I tell them they can go buy a childrens book or they can buy a website. But actually they can’t, as I am not taking on any new clients right now. BUT as a new influencer, YOU will need a website. That should be your starting point at directing all your new fans. All of your social media should be on this site and they should all link back so people can find all your outlets. It doesn’t have to be super fancy. It can be just one page, your picture, bio, and links. So depending on how you are branding yourself, your site should reflect it. People buy from people that they like. They also buy from people that they feel have common ground with themselves. One key selling advantage when I applied at the jewelry store was there were no Asian salespeople working there. Well, guess what? Asians prefer to buy from Asians. It’s a known fact. That is why they all cluster together and form their own communities.


So if you are a writer, you should have things to read. If you are a photographer lots of pictures. Beauty artist then you should have how to do videos. If you are a life coach, you should have testimonials from people’s lives you have changed. Once you have determined your “niche” then you also need to have a lot of content. Your Facebook business page should have at least 30 minutes of unclickable content. I say unclickable, meaning, you don’t want people leaving YOUR page to go read some other author’s work. Now, if you just wrote an awesome blog on your website, sure put that on your Facebook page. While you are building your content, DO NOT ASK FOR LIKES or followers. Let me repeat that. DO NOT ASK/BEG for likes. I cannot tell you how important this is. If you have NOTHING on the page your friends “might” like it out of pity, but not because they truly believe in your product or service. They might even unfollow the page as they don’t know what you are going to spam them with your new business page. IF you create great content, hashtag it, you will be default find new followers and they will like your page. This is true with all media channels. Don’t announce or ask for anything until your product launch day. Set a day you are going to “open for business”. You can preset every single post in Facebook for a future day, or days. How cool is that?


As part of your branding, you should always let readers know who you are, in addition to the things that you can do. There is a big difference. Your website really shouldn’t be your LinkedIn profile. It should be entertaining. It should be easy on the eyes. If you are selling something on your website, you should outline pricing clearly, or give ballpark figures. If something seems too expensive right off the bat, people will just close and leave. I highly recommend you incorporate a blog into your site. That way you can write articles, reviews, and updates for your readers. Some websites don’t have a blog, they are old and outdated and they probably never get repeat visitors. As I have talked about in past articles, when you write a blog it keeps your site the most current and when people do searches it maintains your site comes up first. Now of course you need some SEO, tags, headers, and hashtags, but WordPress makes it easy. Remember, your website is the one piece of social media that you control. If Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or whatever decide to ban you, … you – are – screwed. All your content you wrote on those platforms are gone forever. Your site however, you can backup daily.


You fans/followers are typically NOT your friends. They are strangers who know nothing about you — other than what you share with them. Whether you have 1 follower or 100 thousand followers, you have made a decision to be in the public eye and the things you think, say and do can have amazing or horrible outcomes. So determine why you want to have a following so you can detail your marketing messages appropriately.


On a side note, 6 Dr. Suess books have been banned. I never really saw the fascination with them but of course I am familiar with the artsy books. After seeing  a radical racist cartoon and the caption “Slap the Jap” I am appalled that these books have not been banned sooner. Mississippi joins Texas in the no mask mandate. Wow. March madness begins. What do you think will happen next that is super crazy? I bet something big around social media will happen. Parler? TikTok? Facebook? Grab some snacks and sit back and watch the fun. Speaking of fun, the season finale of WandaVision launches at midnight. If you have been waiting to binge the whole season, just remember, it starts out slow but builds and gets better.

The Texas Reality Show

How y’all doing? Evidently losing power and freezing to death wasn’t enough for the big state of T. I guess it is only a matter of time before all out rooting tooting fighting was going to break out. So rather than keeping the residents prisoner, it is more of a go it at your own risk policy. I’m not for or against what they are doing in Texas. I did travel to Vegas and I didn’t catch COVID. Would I travel to Texas and not wear a mask? That would be a big negative ghost rider. Texas has been big for spring break, especially the South Padre Islands.




President Biden says that everyone should be able to have the vaccine by the end of May. The only problem is there are millions of people who don’t want the vaccine. Yes, there are millions of people who do not give mumps, measles or chicken pox shots to their kids. Many times, people think they know better or best and ignore the warnings. People die every day from dumb, stupid decision making skills. 3 months is not a long time. Just hang out for 3 more months. Finish your autobiography. Write that family cookbook of secret recipes. Organize your closet — by season and color. Time goes by really fast when you are busy, distracted and productive. I have this one day goal of cleaning out and organizing my garage. And then there are other days that I just want to relax and take a nap.



I was asked if i was going to take the vaccine when I am eligible. Of course I am. Hook me up with a flu shot while they are at it.  Better safe than sorry. In Colorado if you have 2 or more conditions, you are now eligible. So, obese and diabetic, … you’re in. I know of a couple of people that fall into that category. Obese is considered BMI of 30+. If you work in a grocery store, you are also now eligible.



United States of Welfare

Wouldn’t you like to know what the government’s bank account looks like? I mean seriously, every time you get paid, they get paid. Every time someone wins the lottery they get paid. Every time someone DIES from COVID, they keep all those years of paying into social security. Sure they are trillions of dollars in debt, but to what extent? They always seem to have plenty of money, yet no one seems too concerned that they are spending now that will have detrimental effects on the future generations to come.


To make things even GREATER for our wonderful nation, there are over TEN million immigrants marching towards to the United States of Welfare. I say that because they are all going to be accepted and welcomed. I know, right? What. The. Heck. It isn’t like there aren’t 60+ million people suffering or unemployed now, but now our system is going to be under more pressure. What do you want to bet that many of them are probably infected with the virus. Hello!? We can’t travel to foreign countries but we are going to let all these strangers into ours? Shouldn’t the American citizens get vaccines and safety first? Half a million are dead. Now they are adding over 10 million. Where are they going to live? Who is going to give them healthcare? Food? I think there is already a huge homeless problem.



Now if we were to play devil’s advocate, we could point out that Biden is secretly stacking the deck for the next election. What? What do you mean? Well, think about it, he is adding ten million+ new voters to the path of citizenship, and who wouldn’t vote for the guy that gave them freedom, a life, a future for their children? Biden won by 8 million popular votes. Surely he will win by even more when this baloney under the rug backdoor immigration policy goes through. The country had/has an immigration VISA policy now. Why does one man think he has the power or better decision making to change the entire economic policy? Well Trump did it, so why can’t he? Trump banned multiple countries from even entering, and ICE enforcement was at an all time high.


Whether you like it or not, it is happening. We still do not know the overall impact of the virus and even when it will be safe to venture out again. But I do know that there will always be open positions for low level entry jobs that many Americans feel is beneath them. Even the kids today don’t want to work in fast food or retail. So who is going to pick the beans? Clean the hotel rooms? Wash the dishes? Clean your homes? Yep, these immigrants will do it, and they will even smile and be nice to you. Sometimes people don’t have a choice. But you do. You have the choice to be nice. You have the choice to not be judgmental and condemning. Everyone has challenges and are having a hard time with something. Be that better person and give someone a break.


And in case if you missed it, the CW has launched a new television series, “Superman & Lois”. You can catch it on the app if you missed it. This is a different take on the same story, as this time, Clark has 2 young teenage boys. Kyle from Teen Wolf and Elizabeth from Grimm star in this rebooted comic book hero. I caught the pilot and I was not disappointed. And on the big screen, Milla Jobavich stars in Monster Killer, now showing in theaters, and also at home digital rental. I loved her in The Fifth Element and she was awesome in the Resident Evil series. I checked it out and I actually really enjoyed it. Just remember “Suspension of the disbelief.” It means, the story line is actually somewhat believable and you can enjoy it for that reason alone.

Game Stop? Game Start.

Did you hear about the whole Game Stop drama/bullshit that happened? Yeah, pretty crazy. If you didn’t, the retail gaming second hand trading store, was super under-valued as a stock. So some of the big Wall Street guys were going to try and cheat them, is the short version. I’m not really a stock guy, other than my Best Buy stock that I won. But you all know you should buy stock low and sell it at a high price.



Game Stop made all their money in the used game market. So I buy a game brand new for $60. I beat it in a month and I no longer want it. So I sell it to Game Stop for $30 credit toward a new game. They get the game and sell it again, for … $50. This process goes on indefinitely, making Game Stop new revenue over and over again. So can you see how a company like this actually is pretty profitable? So why did Wall Street think that Game Stop was going to be a shitty company to invest in and drive the price down, in a sense devaluing the company? Because they are assholes. So, the real reason why the gaming industry is NOT dying, is that you have some big players (literally) that are crushing the market. First off, Sony PS5 is basically a pipe dream for millions. And the Nintendo Switch is just a legend that one day you might find.



Billions of people are still in need of entertainment, and what better method/vehicle than one that you can literally be/do anything a computer programmer can imagine. Now the thing that has changed how people play games is the fact you no longer have to go to the store to buy a physical game and you can download a digital version. How cool is that? No more lost games, scratched unplayable games, and it is better for the environment. This is the theory that Wall Street bankers were using when they thought Game Stop was going to eventually fail and die out. WRONG. Millions of gamers collect those physical games and actually have some pretty elaborate “man caves” or gaming rooms where they display them proudly. Other gamers do not want to be 100% reliant upon the internet to play their games. Oh. Darn. Wall Street assholes aren’t actual players.



Skyward Sword Joy-con Controllers

Nintendo has been hard at work releasing their own games, and every day there are deals in the eStore. The other day there was an announcement that Nintendo will be re-creating the legendary Zelda – Skyward Sword for the Switch. This was originally released on the Wii and used the two game pieces, one as a shield and the other as a sword. It was pretty awesome if you ask me. They are also releasing a special edition new handheld joy-con pieces, which are already sold out. Skyward releases on my birthday, July 16th. Like millions of Zelda & Link fans, I will be adventuring in the land of Hyrule. Gamers are still in the dark when it comes to the next release of Breath of the Wild 2.



If you were not aware, this is a special 35 anniversary year for Mario and a new Super Mario game was released this month. I have not downloaded it yet, but it is a 4 player type game in 3D. Pretty crazy. If you are an original Super Mario fan, where it was 2D moving from left to right on the screen, then you will really like this one. When I was in Vegas they had Mario Kart in the video game areas, and each racer had their own machine. It was pretty cool.



So if you are a Marvel fan like me, then you might still be sad that Tony Stark, aka Iron Man died. Fans all over the internet have speculated how he could make a come back. They bring dead people back in movies and television all the time. Flashbacks, memories, stories, … prequels. OR they can bring them back, or their voice in a new animated cartoon series on Disney+ called “What If?” In addition there is going to be an Ironman type of movie that shows what happens when bad people get Stark Technology. Loki will come to Disney+, which will be a weekly series like WandaVision. They are doing a lot of sequels, and some of the lesser cool characters, like Natasha and Clint will get their spin off movie. A new movie, The Eternals adds Angelina Jolie to the MCU and I saw Michelle Pfieffer in the line up as well. Black Panther 2 is in the works, but I guess it will be a twist with their king now dead. Do we see a possible sister taking the lead? Maybe.


And if things in Texas weren’t already miserable, residents have no clean water and are told to boil their water so they don’t drink any parasites. So needless to say there are millions of bottled water being flown into Texas. I actually find it hard to believe THAT many people are drinking tap water. We all know they drink sugary drinks, lots of beer, … I know of some people who never drink water. I know, how weird is that? Texans also have a variable or fixed energy rate. And if they picked variable, they can expect an electric bill in the thousands. In Colorado we have something similar, so in the summertime if you use more electricity you get bumped up to the next tier level and you pay even higher rates. Same is true for water. So a lot of people don’t water their lawns. If you choose the fixed rate option, your rates are initially higher than the variable rates but you don’t have to worry about spikes in your monthly bill.



And they lied. WandaVision was NOT a full hour. I was left with even more questions, and had to watch the YouTube Easter egg video to see all the hidden clues. How many times do you see a “hex” symbol in the show? If you haven’t watched it, now you will start seeing them everywhere! I was right about Agnes. I love the funny “Bad Mom’s” actress. She IS from another part of the Marvel Universe!


