Choose Your Side Wisely

So I know a lot of my readers are not on Facebook, and that is totally cool. I personally know of dozens of friends in real life who don’t even have an account. But they still have email. So anyway, I saw this in my newsfeed and it really hit home. I personally do not understand why the republican party thinks that their constituents/voters have not been impacted by the virus, and that only rich people are republicans. Because CLEARLY all the uneducated red neck rioters at the capital were NOT the upper crust of society. 75 million people are republican. As I stated in my last post, everyone needs/wants money. We don’t all make 174k a year like a senator does. Most of them are all millionaires already. It’s like all the rich kids got together and decided to bully all the poor kids (us) and now they can kind of get away with it. Oh wait, some people, still do get away with it.



I had a friend who is a republican and I asked her WHY she was her party. She said she didn’t want people who don’t deserve shit getting shit when she has to pay for it. Like free healthcare when you are an illegal. Wow. I realized at that point my “friend” was a shitty person and it was best to part ways. I did however, ask her if I could see her immigration health bill. Her what? You know, the bill that she was sent that specifically covered illegal healthcare. Oh, she didn’t have one. So I told her to grow the F up and be a better person. One day, she or someone she loves is going to need assistance from someone, and she better pray that is readily available. What if, say in 50 years the population somehow has become dominant non-white? Say only 1% of the doctors are white. Then what? There are so many people that “think” their perspective or outlook is the only one. You can be king of the world one day, and then banished the next.


So if you live in a state where you voted for a republican congress-person or senator, it is clear that your representative does NOT have YOUR best interests at heart. They are selfish, greedy, corrupt politicians who are only looking out for themselves. It is horrible and evil that the republicans are doing things to cheat the American people. Suppressing the vote so it is harder for everyone to vote is not cool. They can’t win legitimately so they do things to put the odds in their favor. And I want to throw a huge shout out to Stacey Abrams of Georgia, who spearheaded the movement to get thousands of new voters registered, which resulted in the democrats winning control of the senate, and ultimately passed this COVID relief plan, which Biden says we will see checks this month. I think I can speak for millions when I say that any amount of assistance is greatly appreciated. As always, we give thanks that we made it yet, another day in the pandemic.


Can you imagine the chaos if the bill was written that you only get a check if your Representative voted for it? Trump said if you posted on social media #notmypresident you wouldn’t get a stimulus check. And isn’t it ironic how millions didn’t get one in the second round? If a senator got thousands and thousands of calls, letters, emails, and texts saying I am a voter in your district and I am not voting for you, I think that might get some attention. Imagine for just a moment, if TEN more senate seats were won for the democrats. Yeah, the rich people would be in trouble. Go Senator Warren. I support you 100%! Bezo you are in trouble. And remember, folks, those tariffs on China haven’t been lifted, so your apple iPhones and Nintendo Switches all get hit, …. which means you get hit.



Tax The Super Rich

The United States of America COULD be the best country in the world. We have the resources, the money, and the land to build a tiny house for every single legal citizen and every undocumented person who wants to live here. Millions of empty land all over this country and trillions of dollars in the government. Seriously, if the government really wanted to do it, they could very easily buy up land, and build massive communities of tiny homes. They could even do a universal basic income for everyone, and not even feel it. Other counties do it. A place to get mail, sleep safe and sound. A place to call home. It would also clean up so many dirty, nasty “tent” cities. If I was Jeff Bezo I could snap my fingers and make it happen. But I’m not, so I can just write about how great life could be, … if I was Jeff.


Everyone wants free money. Almost everyone wants to win the lottery. Who wouldn’t want free money if the government gave it. Well there are certainly going to be some people that will finally benefit from the Biden Stimulus package. But lets be real. $1400 is not a lot of money. Oh sure to some people it means being able to eat 3 times a day instead of 2. For families that don’t get food stamps, that extra financial support for those kids is going to be a real big deal. I think we all know there are over 75 million republicans. It’s not just democrats that are needing money. The reality is that our economy can’t survive with just rich people. It can’t survive with just poor people There is a happy balance somewhere where we all can work and live together harmoniously.




I think that when your company becomes SO super rich, that it needs to give huge wins back in forms of scholarships, grants, programs, or they get taxed at the higher rate. Come on, it is SO not fair that Amazon pays no federal income tax. They make billions and I pay more tax than they do. What. The. F.  When rich people get their stimulus money they just deposit in their money market account, which does nothing for the economy. In Colorado, millions will be cashing that bad boy and using it in the closest dispensary and heading to the liquor store. Fact. Dispensaries saw a HUGE influx in cash/customers with the last 2 stimulus checks. Hey if they are locked up at home, at least they are happy, relaxed and enjoying their Disney+.


WandaVision … what can I say? I liked it. I loved it. I can’t wait for season 2. And if you weren’t aware, there are TWO secret scenes after the credits. Seriously. Those sneaky bastards. Naked & Afraid new season starts Sunday, with a marathon on the Discovery channel all day.



The Texas Reality Show

How y’all doing? Evidently losing power and freezing to death wasn’t enough for the big state of T. I guess it is only a matter of time before all out rooting tooting fighting was going to break out. So rather than keeping the residents prisoner, it is more of a go it at your own risk policy. I’m not for or against what they are doing in Texas. I did travel to Vegas and I didn’t catch COVID. Would I travel to Texas and not wear a mask? That would be a big negative ghost rider. Texas has been big for spring break, especially the South Padre Islands.




President Biden says that everyone should be able to have the vaccine by the end of May. The only problem is there are millions of people who don’t want the vaccine. Yes, there are millions of people who do not give mumps, measles or chicken pox shots to their kids. Many times, people think they know better or best and ignore the warnings. People die every day from dumb, stupid decision making skills. 3 months is not a long time. Just hang out for 3 more months. Finish your autobiography. Write that family cookbook of secret recipes. Organize your closet — by season and color. Time goes by really fast when you are busy, distracted and productive. I have this one day goal of cleaning out and organizing my garage. And then there are other days that I just want to relax and take a nap.



I was asked if i was going to take the vaccine when I am eligible. Of course I am. Hook me up with a flu shot while they are at it.  Better safe than sorry. In Colorado if you have 2 or more conditions, you are now eligible. So, obese and diabetic, … you’re in. I know of a couple of people that fall into that category. Obese is considered BMI of 30+. If you work in a grocery store, you are also now eligible.



Democrats control NOTHING

I will say it. This is my platform. There is a reason you can comment but not see the comments. Yep, because I control this domain. <evil laughter> No seriously, I don’t allow any negativity as it disrupts the harmonic vibration levels. Obviously many people voted for their republican local leaders, and chose to vote for a different mindset for the President. If the people REALLY wanted the democrats have control, they would have won more seats in the senate. There ARE 2 independent senators who are usually counted as democrats.


If you didn’t turn on any news media channel this week (other than me), then your soul wouldn’t have been sucked into the evil proceedings of a joke the impeachment of the president. If he wasn’t impeached and removed the FIRST time, what magic pill/drink did they take thinking it would work the second time? I know, I’m just shaking my head in disbelief. I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t know how the government officials can accomplish their task of preventing holding future office, but Biden just wrote a slew of executive orders, why can’t he write one that says if you are impeached, (regardless of outcome) you are done holding a government paid position? Yeah, that isn’t going to happen either.


I say hit him where it hurts the most, and the economy, the virus, and business leaders are doing just that. Trump properties worldwide are suffering financially. Contracts are cancelled, hotel co-owners are selling off their rooms at a huge loss. I actually stayed at Trump Las Vegas years ago before he was president. A couple of things I’ll throw out that I liked and didn’t like. First off, there is no casino in the hotel. So … if you like to gamble, you have to either walk or take an Uber, or shuttle to one of the hotels. Boo. If you are a high roller, I think they have a private car/driver for you. Everything is gold plated, or looks like gold. So if you like gold in your decor, then this is for you. If you like colors, and soft warm earthy decorating, then you will find the Mirage more to your tastes. Depending on what level/floor you stay, you may hate it. My friend got an upgrade to a one room suite. I know, right? Sweet. However, it was on the lower level and no view, and you heard the trains every … hour? Super annoying I was told. I don’t remember the year, but a one room condo was going for $165k, which was a super great deal as they sold originally new at $500-$600k. I know, crazy right? Why didn’t I buy? Uh, you need 20% in cash down and I don’t have that kind of money. Do YOU have $32k you can drop in the hat? Plus, I don’t live there and I couldn’t afford to vacation there that often. So, not a good choice for me. I just checked and you can get a studio for $190k. And if I am not mistaken, like the other hotel ownerships, you have to pay some sort of a monthly “fee”/HOA bullshit. Another thing is there is no coffee machine in any of the hotel rooms. Why? Because they want you to call room service. Caching. Nothing is free. I did like that since the hotel wasn’t very busy the pool was  basically empty. Of course it was July, so lounging at the amazing pool looking up at the gold windows was nice. The hotel is right across the street from the mall, so if you are on a budget, or you don’t want to order from the hotel food services, you can go across the street to the food court.


So now that congress is done name calling and crying for more attention, can we get our stimulus money like promised? I like to keep to my own motto’s… with one of them being “If it does not DIRECTLY involve me, then there is no need for me to get involved.” How useful this is for workplace gossip, shitty friends, and … well, you get the idea. Life is so much easier when you aren’t involved in everyone’s problems. So, it is nice that some people benefit from the stimulus, but life isn’t fair. No matter how hard the government tries to make things more fair, it just never will be.


You aren’t a therapist, the good Samaritan, the billionaire philanthropist, so why do we as individual citizens think that reposting some dumb meme on Facebook is going to change things? Yeah, I don’t do it. Fix yourself. Guide your children. Motivate your students. If you want to change things in government, then take a chance and write a letter to your representative. Call them. They have phones. Actions speak louder than words. Your voting dollar speaks immeasurable results when you have a supporting cast.



And if you are an international reader, then you probably don’t know that the United States is under attack, … this time from Jack Frost and Elsa. Yep, it is fÜcking freezing …actually below freezing everywhere. Snow, ice storms, and nasty car accidents and semi trucks crashing everywhere. Be cool. Stay warm. Stay home if you can. If you start rewatching the Avengers marathon you will see a ton of easter eggs. It is president’s day, so no mail, or banking services in the USA today.




Mr. Brightside

If you think I am referring to the amazing hit song by The Killers, you are incorrect. Did you know that many colleagues and friends would call ME Mr. Brightside, because I am always looking on the bright side of things. When I worked part time at AT&T, I sometimes only saw some of my co-workers once or twice a week. When we were all required to attend mandatory … whatever, we were all forced to work past our shift. I saw it as a good thing as I hadn’t seen my favorite coworker in a long time. So, trying to make the best of a shitty situation. No one likes to have to count inventory. At least I don’t, and it is a deal breaker for me.



So if you have decided a vow of silence on television, newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, or whatever, then you may not know that there has been some nasty shit going on in the United States this past week. I’d like to think you were on sabbatical enjoying your reading and mediation time — and being unplugged is a good thing. So now that you are back with society and checking your email or reading up on this blog, I am here to tell you that the United States government was attacked by some really not so nice people. In a nutshell, there was a “peaceful” protest that turned into a riot in Washington D.C. and sadly 5 people died. Nothing compared to what took a hit due to the coronavirus. But that is not what this blog is about today. It is more about “congress” getting attacked in “their” workplace. Hmmm. When the kids were being shot at in schools, did anyone in congress give a hoot/TWEET? Well, some did, but did anything concrete come out of it? But like most school shootings, they don’t actually directly involve “us”, right? That kind of bizarre behavior is someone else’s problem.





The democrats are adamant about impeaching the president again, … and at this point I’m like, “just let it go”. He will be out of office, the people have spoken/voted. This new president and vice will make amazing things happen that the next term will be a no brainer. Yes, the president was a little too overzealous with his fans/followers. Yes, he should be reprimanded, and maybe just fined. That is what they do to professional athletes. As he has been 86’d from every social media platform, that in itself is punishment. I’m not defending him, but man, that would totally suck if you couldn’t even look at pictures on Pinterest, photos on Instagram, or see updates from friends on Facebook.



If you are like me, you are still binge watching in your mancave. Speaking of binge watching, if you are not following me on Facebook, then you don’t know that I posted about Discovery +.  Yep, first Disney and now Discovery. It is an add on cable channel subscription that gives you access to those cable channels without having cable. You know I cut the cable months ago, and really the only thing missing was the History channel, since I am kind of a nerd. But VOILA!  Now I can get that and HGTV, the SCI channel and many more. I opted for commercial free for just $7 a month. If you are going to binge watch, you might as well learn something new and old. I am going to be building my dream home in the near future. so all those renovating design shows are just fantastic for me. If you are having a bad day, you can always watch “Naked and Afraid”. Those poor souls are starving, cold, in pain, eaten alive by bugs, … I mean, that is all kinds of suffering.


If you are reading this via a forwarded email, be sure to hit up the website and scroll to the footer to get your own email when I post. When you are always looking on the bright side of things, your life begins to brighten.



Social Media Platforms

How crazy is it when your favorite social media person is no longer on social media? If you think I am talking about Trump, you are wrong. Ha! No, actually I was talking about Chef Pete Evans, mostly known from his paleo diet show on Netflix. There are a few chefs that I love, like Martha, and naturally I want to see posts from other chefs. So what happened? One day, he was suddenly gone from Facebook. The more I thought about it, I couldn’t remember the last post I saw. If you didn’t know he is from Australia and evidently was spreading conspiracy theories that got himself deleted. He had over a million followers. In this day and age, the number of followers is like a digital currency. The more followers/fans you have, the more power you have. Pete published tons of books. And with his following, he could go to his publisher and almost guarantee countless sales with little to no marketing costs involved. That in itself will cause a publisher to stop and take note. He is still on Instagram, but it isn’t quite the same as seeing his posts show up in my Facebook newsfeed. I would be really upset if I was all of the sudden locked out of my social media platforms.





I can’t imagine what President Trump is going through right now. His idea of working is sending multiple tweets and Facebook posts and then spend the rest of the day reading all the comments. Seriously, I know that is what his “executive time” consists of. I’m psychic. I’d say he could go on TikTok but he sort of screwed himself over on that platform. There is always Google+, LinkedIn, and owning your own website/blog where you can always post whatever you want. Plus, depending on a social media platform for all your content that they own, is not so smart. I think I have mentioned that I had hundreds of amazing writings on MySpace and then one day they were gone. I also used another platform, Xanga, that also disappeared. I had thousands of readers on that platform. Maybe some of them found me here. You never know. 2021 certainly hasn’t let up on surprises. I can’t imagine what is coming next.


Hair Expert

If you know me personally, or you have been following my social media — back to the days of MySpace, then you know I have had short hair most of my life. In fact, I taught myself how to cut my own hair — with clippers, and I have also been cutting hair, unofficially since I don’t hold a license to use a pair of scissors. Crazy right?


One thing that has remained true my entire life it that my hair grows super fast, at in incredible rate. If I had to pay a barber or stylist to cut my hair I would literally be paying thousands of dollars a year to keep my “high and tight” military haircut. Even when I would go on base, it was $10 for a haircut, and I would need one every week. I had to cut my hair as frequently as guys had to shave their beard/face. So when I approached my 40’s, like most men out there I started losing my hair. Mostly on the top and not at the back or sides. Why is this? There HAD to be a logical, scientific reason why this happened to billions of people. Men, women, teens, kids … no one was immune to hair loss. So, … what are some of the causes of hair loss?


Well, I am not going to bore you with all the research that I have done, but I will give you one piece of really good advice. Oh yeah? What is that you wonder? Stop washing your hair with hot water, and take better care of your scalp. Hot water as we all know, causes the pores of your skin and scalp to open, making it very vulnerable. When you drown those pores with shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, styling products, you essentially are slowly killing your hair follicles. It’s not your fault. When you were a toddler sitting in a bathtub your mommy put “baby safe” shampoo on your head and let it soak. And then you continued to do that for your entire life. After so many years of abuse, your hair just gives up and dies.



A few years ago I stopped with the weekly haircuts and focused on letting it grow. My instagram has the latest photos of me, and I have some incredible hair growth pictures. There are many things I did to live a new lifestyle that included a high protein nutritional diet, exercise, lots of sleep and being very gentle with my hair. I would cover it in public, little to no product, and only carefully washing with cold water and never letting my scalp get any “poison” on it. There actually is a whole movement called the “No Poo”, which people have ditched shampoo all together. I actually use Kerastase products, a company from Paris, the parent company is Loreal. It is kind of expensive, but at this point, my hair is totally worth it. So why am I calling myself a hair expert? Well, if you look at my hair where it is now, where it was when I hit my 40’s, you would be asking what did I do? In addition, I have an identical twin brother who does NOT have my luscious locks of hair. I am 47 1/2  years of age, and I don’t look it. I actually am proud to share my real age with people. So, with my youthful appearance and long hair, it has motivated me to begin planning my YouTube channel. Sure anyone can hit the record button the their smartphone and then upload it to Youtube. After watching hundreds of … less than entertaining videos, I have determined that there are several things that makes a video successful. It has to be pleasant to listen to, as well as look at. With lockdown and covid, it doesn’t take too long and you have watched every video of your favorite YouTube artist and you are hungry for more. I know, as I have watched every video of some beauty bloggers/vloggers/artists. Just like you, I’m sort of bored at times, so I think that there are some of my own friends … and fans that would love to see/hear/learn what I have learned about hair, skincare and make-up. I have learned a TON of things that I know other people would appreciate knowing as well. Guys can wear make-up and not look like a clown. They can wear it to just look amazing, so people notice them, and not their flaws. Discolored, UV abused skin is a flaw. Redness, dryness, and wrinkles are not exactly poster child material. So what products do I use and which ones do I like? A lot. And I am not on any PR lists, so everything that I try/use, I buy with my hard earned money.



I have been a content creator for a really long time. Some of my readers hit my blog daily on MySpace and Xanga. Yes, I know I was much more active writing back then. I have also contemplated using video to maybe read some of my book. It is the one thing that is copyrighted that I have the right to read without getting sued by someone. Maybe I will do different channels — storytime, beauty/hair, educational, HR stuff. I don’t know how other artists do it, but I would like to be organized and have like an outline of the things I am going to talk about and cover. I guess you could say this was sort of my next level of teaching. I used to teach at an online college. This blog probably teaches people in a different way.



If you are an artist or creator, can you make something that you can sell on Etsy as additional income? I know I will be buying on Etsy as it supports individuals versus the big box Fortune 500 companies. For those from the United States, they will be celebrating Thanksgiving. The day that they stole the land from the native american indians. Yeah, I have mixed feelings about that too. I like to be thankful every day. Thankful my family is still alive and safe. Thankful I am healthy and happy. There are many people who are grieving and my heart goes out to them. Personally I don’t think that people are taking the pandemic as seriously as they should. Stay home. Stay safe. Don’t touch anything in public. I open doors when my butt now, so I don’t have to touch the door handle. Hey, maybe YOU could be a content creator too. Maybe you could launch a YouTube channel on something you know a lot about. Everyone has something they can share. Maybe you have an awesome Thanksgiving recipe you want to share. My sweet potato souffle is always a show stopper.



Your voting dollars could actually be a lifeline for a family in need. Go buy something or a lot of things on Etsy today. Take one day of NOT going to Walmart or Amazon and instead go to Etsy. A thousand thank you’s from every artist. You can also buy gift certificates from you local small businesses as holiday gifts that will totally help that business make it through the pandemic.


YouTube TV

In the world of sales and marketing, it is a proven fact that is is easier to sell more to an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one. When I was a sales leader at Best Buy, we focused on organic growth.  That is, taking the existing customer base and simply increase the average sale by $10. Which would result in millions of additional revenue company wide. In theory if a customer is already happy, then they will also explore other products and services.



So as you know I have been a regular subscriber to YouTube Premium (no commercials), and I decided to explore their other product, YouTube TV. Why you may wonder? I decided it was a better alternative to traditional cable. In my case, it was Dish Network, Echostar. It was years and years go that I initially signed up with them, and my technology was old, my dvr was full, and I was being charged WAY too much for what I was getting. I was paying over $150 a month for cable channels that do not have any new programming due to COVID. Not their fault, but I find myself reaching for other online entertainment, including my recently renewed Netflix DVD movies that now show up in my mailbox twice a week.

I no longer go to Redbox as the DVD feature is so much easier than having to leave the house to go to an actual physical Redbox. YouTube TV gives you a DVR library for cable channels like HGTV, and all the local channels like abc, nbc, cbs, fox, and a ton of other cable channels, all for just $64.99 a month. I also get live streaming for almost all the sports channels. I get college football live, and it saves all the Husker games for me to watch whenever. If you weren’t aware, the Mandalorian season 2 has started again on Disney+.  I make sure to watch a couple of movies a month so I get my moneys worth. American Express platinum members get $20 a month credit for streaming services. So, technically I’m not paying for it, but I still want to use it on a regular basis. You can stream YouTube TV on 3 devices at a time, so that really isn’t a problem, since who watches tv in three rooms at once? I mean, if you have a large family, then some people just might have to share. Darn. When I was a kid, everyone in the house watched ONE tv and we argued and fought over what we watched. Kids these days are just spoiled.


Credit Cards

So after watching a ludicrous but somewhat thought-provoking video from Jake Paul, I thought I would elaborate on his idea. He says that formal school sucks, and that kids need a better education on real life “stuff”. That is the short version, however, he nor any of his “peers” are qualified to educate his millions of followers. One of the things he discusses (sort of as he throws money from a balcony) is the concept of credit. Which is ironic, since he so young it is unlikely he secured any on his own merit. Do people need an education in credit management/debt management? Absolutely. Do they need a full semester in learning all about how to borrow money and pay it back on time? No. I think maybe a mini-workshop within a conference for young new small business owners would maybe be a better venue.


In this day and age, it is not so easy for a young person to get a credit card, store credit card, or a charge card. From what I gather from small business owners it is also not very easy for them either. So a class in credit, how to get it, how to keep it, what is the credit score and why you need to pay attention to it. What the heck is a credit inquiry? Who are the players and how do you win in the losing game of interest rates? Damn, all those things could make for a really good book, seminar, or Youtube video.


Because of Covid19, no one is going to go to any seminar, workshop anytime soon.  So for the sake of today’s lesson, I will pretend that you are my 18 year old nephew who just graduated from high school and knows absolutely nothing about credit. Cool? First off, let me ask you some questions. Why do you want credit? Answer: I don’t have the amount of money required to purchase ______ and due to my current financial situation ($ ____ per month/week/hour) I can afford to allocate ____% of that toward my goal of ______. This “should” be the main answer when asked why they want to borrow the money they don’t have. Other reasons, which come up are things like renting a car, hotel room, buying a plane ticket, or maybe it is simply earning rewards points or getting things like extended warranty. All these things come up and are credit card/bank based.
In order for an entity like a bank to loan you money, you have to prove that you are going to pay it back, on time – every month, until it is paid off in full, plus interest, the additional money the bank is making by loaning the money to you. There has to be something in it for them. How they determine if you are a risk is based on you payment history. We call this a credit score, a complicated report of numbers, accounts, dates, and historical record of YOU paying back an entity. Understanding how this report/credit number is generated is not what this article is about — you can go read about it from another expert. But in a nutshell, you as a consumer, need to pay back any money you borrow on time, every month. That’s it. You would think that was pretty simple, but guess what? Life happens, and some bills don’t get paid on time because there isn’t enough money. We call that being overextended, and that is a reason why banks want to know what your discretionary income is each month.


A long, LONG time ago, credit card companies all charged an annual fee, just for the privilege of having/using the card. I think my first Chase Manhattan Bank card, billed me $19 a year! Credit cards today are mostly free, and if you get one from your local bank or credit union, there should be no fee. Prestige cards, such as the American Express charge card (green, gold, platinum) offer premium benefits and as such, charge fees to cover those benefits.
So how did I get my first credit card, you might ask? Well, back in the 80’s I wanted a credit card and my mom understood the power of credit said okay. I was only 15 and at that time you had to be at least 18 to apply for any type of credit. Mom knew that one day I would want to buy a car and I would need to finance it, so starting a credit file of my own was going to be monumental. So mom “co-signed” a department store card, Herbergers, which went out of business prior to the coronavirus pandemic. What this actually means, is that my mom told Herbergers that if I failed to make a payment, that she would be responsible, and if she didn’t it would be bad for her credit report. The account was approved and they gave me a $5,000 credit line, which was all based on my mom’s credit file. THAT was not going to happen, as mom could easily see me going crazy and she called the bank and lowered the credit limit to $100. Yes, seriously. Why? Well, if I maxed out $100, she knew my hourly paycheck job, at $3.35 per hour would cover it. Very smart lady. NEVER give a minor a big credit line. Why? It is super easy to max out a grand, or two, and then not even have enough to make the minimum payment.
Eventually my credit limit got raised due to my excellent payment history. After doing this for almost 2 years, it was enough for me to get a car loan on my own merit. It usually takes about six months to establish a credit file, and then another year to start a payment history. An established payment history of making payments consistently on time, more than the minimum is important when granting someone a line of credit. Think about it, if you loaned a friend $20 and he paid you back the next day, you would be more likely to loan him money the next time he asked. If another friend never paid you back, would you loan him money the next time he asked? Doubtful.




Now that is how “I” did it back in the 80’s, but in 2020, credit cards don’t really work that way. Instead what you can do, is simply add your child to your account as an authorized user. This “does” technically start a credit file for the child, however, most bank officers are aware of this alternative move and take than into consideration before loaning a minor tens of thousands of dollars. As Dave Ramsey says, credit lines are demonstrations of how you borrow money. If you are debt free, you don’t need to borrow or have a credit score. I am totally with Dave on this one. I use the American Express card as it grants a lot of benefits, such as extended warranty, and it has to be paid in full every month. So it is unlikely you will go crazy knowing how much your monthly income is, and where is has to go. I always encourage people to have a monthly budget. Know how much is coming in from work and other sources, and know where it is going — bills, rent, groceries, and so on. When I was younger I used a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to budget wisely. If you are going to go gamble $100, it has to come from somewhere … less gas, groceries, entertainment or something.


Apply for an American Express Card with this link. We can both get rewarded if you’re approved. It is in the form of membership rewards points, which you can literally cash in for gift cards, prizes, credit statements or even as currency on Amazon.


What is going to happen to our world?

The Global Economic State

Many of my fans and followers have been spending a lot of time reading the blogs, mostly as an escape, but many are also here to learn. Education at this point, is not so grand. I had a student tell me he learned more in my blogs than he ever did in school. Wow, that is quite the compliment, and warms my heart. Yes, I am a repository of a boatload of information. I totally get it. I mean, who wants to learn about history and math? Not me.
So, to address my topic, I was asked to shed some light as to my perspective of what is going on in the world with the coronavirus as well as the United States political economy. I have also had a large number of young voters who are looking to me for some guidance as to whom he/she should vote for this election in November. You would think that a lot of kids would look to their parents for guidance, but you also have to remember, there are thousands and thousands of children who have no such parent or role model. Whom do YOU look up to for advice about life decisions? If there is no mom or dad, then what? Did you see the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why? Wow, talk about some kids who have really bad role models. What if your dad left your mom and she was junkie bringing home nasty guys from the bar to have sex with while you are in the next room? Exactly. The world is a beautiful ugly place to live right now. There is fear, terror and most of, evil in this world. Let me repeat that. There is evil in this world. Now you can try to go around and point fingers and attempt to place blame on one person, or conspiracy theory.  But at the end of the day, what does that exactly accomplish? You are still you.

What Would Aaron Do?

So, a long time ago, I had a padewan/student who said I was a great role model. And rather than losing a temper, would pause and think what my response/reaction would be to the situation. Wow. That is pretty cool. I like to think I make the smart right choices in life, relationships, work, and friendships. First of all, I have watch Contagion, like a dozen times. If you haven’t seen it, you need to watch it. I also watched Carriers, with Chris Pine a few times. Needless to say, I am sort of a germaphobe. I carry Clorox wipes and spray everywhere I go. Not to gross you out, but there literally millions of men that never wash their hands after using the toilet. Disgusting. If you just imagined one of those guys touched what you are about to touch, you would wipe it off too. So, keeping things I touch clean and not going out in public very often. Okay, I need things. Groceries, so I go when the store opens at 6 or 7 am when there is no one there and I am in and out. Boom. Nothing dirty to touch or get sick or infected. Now there are a lot of media outlets and even some well known celebrities that are posting things on social media that the virus is fake, that people aren’t really dying from it, the flu is more dangerous, …. you get the idea. Well, what do “I” think? I think I need to do everything in MY power to stay safe, keep living this sabbatical, and use the time wisely to create some terrific content for future events.
The reality is, people are going to die. Do you really need to be one of them? I don’t want to die. Is it so difficult to cherish the time in my castle and pick up an old book to read, or revisit an old manuscript? As I type this blog I have soft meditation music playing in the background to raise my harmonic vibration.

Rock the Vote

So if you were living under a rock, just got out of jail, woke up from a coma, or just landed on earth, … welcome!  I just wanted to share with you that in the last three years or so, there has been all kinds of ruckus in the United States, and unfortunately the school shootings have transferred to blacks being killed by police officers. Now that is not exactly everything, but it has caused all kinds of protests and marches. The leadership in this country hasn’t exactly been remarkable and the President was impeached this year, but due to dirty politicians, the Senate, did not approve it as there are more republicans than democrats. So basically the president is a liar, cheater, thief, and is immoral, and most of America seems to be okay with it. At least the racist hating republicans anyway. Hey there are racist democrats and independents too, so I’m not calling out one group over the other.
Hate is hate, and if you know me, then you know that sort of negative energy is self destructive. I like to focus on the love, not the hate. I love that I will get a tax return someday. I love that I can drive around with expired new car tags. I love that I still am healthy and keeping a positive mindset. I love that my readers leave me comments how I have inspired or helped them. Or in some cases, gotten a free lunch due to my content/articles.
So if you are undecided as to whether you should vote republican or democrat this November, I am going to tell you I am voting for Joe Biden. As you know, I am from Nebraska. Last year when the floods hit Nebraska, Trump did nothing for my fellow friends in the next state. When I was in the Walmart shooting in Thornton, Trump did not even acknowledge it or even tweet shit about it. So yes, I have personal feelings towards the serial pathological liar.
Alrighty, so here comes the hot stepper. Many of you were wondering when I was going to throw out some marketing statistics and “things”. First off, let’s talk about the thousands of voters dying everyday. We all know that old people are dying way faster. Cancer I think is still up there for high number of deaths. And I am only focusing on registered voters. I am not going to even GO there — kids missing. So first off, at a local level, we all know we vote for local issues. School bonds, funding, judges, and also some bigger issues, like senators and congress representatives. Oh yes, and this year, is THE commander in chief, mister president. Most people don’t understand economics or politics or government. Shit, most people can’t balance a checkbook or even have a monthly or yearly budget. Perhaps another day for an article on those topics.
For now I want those young  people to understand that in order for good and evil to balance each other out, those local senators votes are more important. It is BULLshit that one man is above the law. So it is my duty to come forward, speak out to young impressionable minds and tell you that regardless  who you vote for as president, the democrat senators must get your vote.  Now in Colorado that is a done deal. Former governor John Hickenlooper is running against askhole Corey Gardner. Basically he and Governor Jared Polis changed positions. Since the last election, there are less voting registered republicans and thousands more democrats keep moving to the state. Last election, millions of voters decided to sit it out and not vote. And now this is what happened.
Every day hundreds of minors turns 18. Every day an old dying baby boomer republican also dies. With the virus I bet the number is even higher, but they don’t report on what political parties are dying and at what rate.

Well that is all for now, I hope you enjoyed it. If you are not registered to vote, do it now.
