If you remove the “C” from Facebook and put something else, … what do you have? I like the “K” as Fakebook certainly sound about right. But what about … say, FaVebook? Fatebook. Farebook. Famebook. If you didn’t know, Facebook is not just a friends update website/company. They steal your data, your personal messages, your likes, your dislikes, your groups, your interests and they sell it. To whom? IDK, maybe China? Maybe Russia. General Mills? Monsanto/Bayer?
Money talks and bullshit walks. You know what also talks? People who delete their fake Facebook accounts. You aren’t supposed to have 2 accounts anyway, so send a message to Facebook. If Facebook lost millions of users for no apparent reason, it would cause a ruckus. Facebook has a lot of power as it can easily influence your decision making abilities. You see a meme or a video that has been altered and all of the sudden you are motivated … maybe in a bad way. Facebook has influenced wars in other countries, aided in underground drugs and sex trafficking. I know that years ago there was a secret Facebook group where you could easily buy/sell drugs. True story.


Do it. Delete that fake account and tell all your friends to do the same. Delete it from your smartphone and tablet and only access it from a computer for a specific amount of time with a specific reason for being on Fakebook. You aren’t bored. You are brainwashed. Pick up an actual book and read it. Turn those pages. Create a fun reading sanctuary that is your new zen reading spot. Unplug and meditate.

I watched a YouTube documentary on Princess Diana, which I thought was going to be more what Spencer was about. Diana didn’t whisper, she talked softly. You can watch it here. Or copy and paste https://youtu.be/Ym–qzQBGug


Angel Academy Print Version

Angel Academy was released November 18th 2014. Most of my readers know that was my contribution to the Universe. While I would love to take credit for this masterpiece alone, it actually was the collaborative work of many individuals. Before the book launched I did all kinds of marketing techniques that were super successful. Focus group, bookmarks, reader participation, character development contributions, book cover contest and many more.


I spent the morning just reviewing all the posts on the Facebook business book page. If you haven’t liked it or checked it out, you can click here. It has literally been years since the book was released and it literally went on auto pilot and I didn’t have to do much of anything. Before the Facebook algorithm changed, I would post something on the page and it would instantly get hundreds of not thousands of likes. I have to admit that I don’t remember composing all those posts, but some of them are really good. Anyway, holiday is upon us and I discovered one of my publisher affiliates who is offering free international delivery, $18.97 USD. Warning, it is a tear jerker and you will fall in love with it and the characters. Or go look at the posts on Facebook and then decide.


On a side note, my little puppy Cookie had to have emergency surgery yesterday and when I took her in, I also took a copy of the book. My favorite vet/doctor was there and I had to give her a book. I said there was a chapter “Dog Heaven” along with the rainbow bridge that she will just love. She said I was going to make her cry. My eyes welled up with tears and I said “I just know YOU are going to be my angel and save my little girl.” And thankfully, she did. Miracles happen every day. I give thanks one happened for me.


Did you see The Eternals or Spencer? Or Dune? I saw all 3 and I can’t say I would give any of them a 5 star review. I talked with another movie enthusiast who said she thought it was more of a chick flick and her husband didn’t think it was worthy. I’ll just say that it was NOT worth the $20 admission per person. Spencer was about Princess Diana. Her maiden name was Spencer. Didn’t know that until the show. Not quite what I was expecting, as I had no idea she was so sad and lonely. Kristen Stewart just whispers the whole time so I’m not sure if that was intended but I could barely hear or understand her. It is also done by an international producer, not Hollywood. If you are wondering if you want to see it I’ll save you some coin. Don’t go. You will be bored, fall asleep and wonder when anything, SOMETHING was going to happen.  Dune? I never saw the first one so this one was kind of … neat. Okay it was semi-interesting. And the highlight of the movie is that they pull a Lord of the Rings, and stop halfway through the storyline/plot and you have to wait until part 2. Lame. If you have HBOMax go ahead and watch it for free. The special effects are neat.




Hey, … if no one hasn’t told you lately, you are flawsome. That is, you have flaws and you are still awesome. Right? Right. People don’t like to talk about their flaws, as some of them might be embarrassing. Some of them are things that you just simply refuse to give up … like smoking, drinking excess alcohol, swearing, taking the Lord’s name in vain … you get the idea. All of those things might be perceived as not so awesome. How much of that Halloween candy have you destroyed without even thinking of how much of that TURNS TO FAT. Fat is not a bad thing. In fact, it tastes delicious when marbleized in your steak. On your own hips, waist and buttocks, might not be so awesome. Some might call it a flaw. A small flaw, but still a flaw nonetheless.


So what are some of the not so awesome things you do that maybe you could retrain yourself to change? How about starting with something simple like no soda pop for a week? No fast food for a month? Don’t kid yourself, McDonalds is shit food despite it tasting amazing. There is an entire documentary on it, Super Size Me. Watch it and you will change your ways. I love their French Fries, but I can buy GMO poison free fries at my Natural Grocer and then fry them myself in peanut oil, with no beef tallow in it. Stop dropping the F bomb. It just is in bad manners/taste. Retrain your mind to think positively. Welcome to your new world of amazing new thoughts and experiences.

Tell 3 people today that they are flawsome.



Body Positivity

“Don’t go changing, to try and please me …” Oh yeah, some good ole Billy Joel to keep things in check. Since we are on the topic of looks, bodies, and such, I thought I would touch base on some basics. Let’s keep things real according to Aaron, shall we? Chances are if you are reading this, then you aren’t a celebrity. No fans, no followers, no paparazzi chasing after you wanting a selfie. So that means you are NOT paid on your looks, your posts, your pictures or thoughts. So the reality is, it doesn’t matter what you look like in order to create an income for yourself. Okay, just in case an influencer IS reading this, and you do get paid on your looks, … everyone else really only needs to be concerned with what ONE person thinks, and that is your significant other … or potential mate. Keep in mind, you only get ONE,  and in your eyes he/she may not be a perfect 10 model. Unless you are a 10, you probably are not going to attract a 10, … according to society. Everyone has flaws. So that 10, isn’t really even a 10. If you are IN a relationship then it is really important for you to actually communicate with your spouse that you love his/her body. It is also important that you are happy and if hearing it from your spouse makes it happen, then start communicating. Be an enthusiast not a victim.


There are millions and millions of people looking for a mate. You don’t have to be alone and lonely. Join a club, take a class, start working out at the gym … and you will meet people. When you start liking your body, you will start loving it. How can anyone love you … if you aren’t loving yourself?




Everyone has a type … a type of person and personality they are attracted to and want to spend time with on a regular basis.  Years and years ago I only had a couple of friends who liked going dancing at the clubs. I got tired of trying to convince work associates and friends to join me and started going alone. I made a ton of new friends at the club, who liked dancing and drinking and had no problems convincing to join me again. Guess what? Skiing is expensive and I had problems finding friends who wanted to ski. So I went alone, and discovered they have a lane JUST for people skiing alone. Yep, I have made a ton of new friends on the mountain riding ski lifts.

If you are a local, Loveland is selling a 4 pack passes for $200. They are normally $85 a piece. Loveland is a smaller resort, but not as crowded and closer than Breck or Keystone. If you ski during the week, a season pass might be of interest at only $379.



Body Dysmorphia

It’s just a fancy way of saying “I hate my body” or “I have low self esteem”. Every beautiful person on Instagram has something about themselves that they hate. If you have EVER Photoshopped a photograph or used a smartphone app to enhance your looks, … then you too are part of this group of people. I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to be perfect. But you really shouldn’t use Instagram models as your role model. We all know that most of them are all fake AF and they are using an app to look better. Some of them, like Kylie and Khloe have actually gotten called out on it. Khloe actually admitted to using filters on all her photos and once a photo got posted without a filter and she freaked out. Yep, she is not perfect either. Most beauty queens have done some form of looksmaxing, … fake eyelashes, hair extensions, hair coloring, silicon boobs, and of course concealer and foundation.



I think it about time that guys start taking an concerted effort to do the same. Get that hair transplant or toupee. You don’t need to be bald and shamed. Girls will actually like you more. All of your new friends will never know you lost your hair. Believe it or not, there are a lot of married and sadly single guys who are not so great to look at, and I am just being honest. How difficult it is go to have your eyebrows threaded so you don’t have a unibrow? There are all kinds of make-up tools to help your brows and face look better. How hard it is to have some sunscreen incorporated into your face moisturizer? If you actually ate ONLY when you were hungry then maybe you would lose a few extra pounds. Face it, everyone could stand to lose some weight. All you have to do is look at a person’s neck and you can easily see there is some room for improvement. Double chins (fatty necks) only look good on turkeys.


Check out this Facebook page on hair. (https://www.facebook.com/hairsolutionsformenandwomen)

There are a lot of good articles and solutions for hair help/systems/alternatives. Some of the videos are just entertaining. At least you have some scientific help on your side.

And it is the Hunter full moon. Make a wish. May your days and nights be filled with light and love.




The Power of Make-Up

I don’t know about you, but I have always been fascinated by how make-up can make someone look totally different. At first you might be thinking of some magical transformations of making an ordinary person look like a hot Kardashian. I was thinking more like movie star, Avatar face painting make-up. Halloween is coming up and naturally changing who you are with a little face paint might have crossed your mind. In Denver they have had the Zombie Crawl/fest, but due to COVID it hasn’t happened, and I don’t think it is going to happen this year either. I have done some pretty cool transformations into the “undead”.


Years and years ago I went to an Ulta and discovered the magic of concealer. One of the cute girls helped me pick a color that matched my skin and instantly that nasty red spot was gone. Wow. I was hooked and I have never looked back. With so many people in front of a camera or smartphone doing virtual conversations, there really are more people that should look into “looksmaxing” with some make-up. A little bit of concealer and foundation will take away those dark spots and some setting powder will get rid of that nasty shine from your LED ring light. You can always tell when someone gets old who never took care of their skin by those age spots. Their hands look like the old Rose from Titanic. You would think some of those politicians who are in front of the camera would take a little effort to improve their looks. They are the elected officials and they should look good. Who are we kidding? They will never look good.



There are already dozens of videos on YouTube recommending foundations and concealers. You can go try some yourself but they aren’t cheap. Usually around $20-$30 but a little tube. If you are wondering which one I am using, it is called IL MAKIAGE. I use their foundation. The company sends you a full bottle of foundation for free, and if you don’t return it they charge your credit card. You take an online test to determine your 1 of 50 colors. When I ordered it I also opted for the matching concealer so I wouldn’t have to pay for shipping later if I decided I liked it. I liked them both and when I know I am going to do a photo or go out I just touch up some areas. Voila. Real life filter/Photoshop. Sometimes you get dark spots just from being in the sun. So be sure you are using some sort of SPF protection. Btw, I love this brand because it doesn’t feel like I have anything on my face and it smooths out the texture for an even tone. It is Aaron Approved!

The new “Halloween Kills” movie released in theaters and free to stream for Peacock app users. Yep, I have the app so I’ll be watching something scary this weekend. Game of Thrones is so confusing I had to watch YouTube videos just to decipher who is what family. I heard they are doing a prequel that takes place hundreds of year prior. I’m down.

DISCLAIMER: I was not paid for this review or product recommendation.



Facebook Poison

Facebook, just like video games, should be limited to a certain amount of time per day. China has implemented this new policy. Wait, China doesn’t even allow Facebook. WHAT? Yep, you heard me right. Personally I am only on Facebook in the middle of the night, when no one is online, and only for a very short amount of time. I actually have been spending less time on Facebook, less posting, and less reading. I can get my news from The New York Times, YouTube news, CNN, and many other news commentary. I can type in a news website directly and NOT have to find out about something via a Facebook newsfeed.


So evidently, Facebook went dark for five hours the other day and everyone freaked the fuck out. Oh no, I can’t cyberstalk anymore. I have to actually get back to work. Well, SOME people claimed they NEED Facebook just to work. No. They don’t.  So here is something to chew on for a minute, … what if, Facebook disappears one day, just like Friendster and MySpace? Do you have the phone numbers or email addresses of your family and friends? Well, some of them you probably do, but others you don’t, and the more you think about it, you probably are better off without them. Now that Facebook is back online, you might want to think about registering some of those other websites with an actual email address and password, rather than your Facebook login avatar. Those little plugins sure are convenient, … as long as Facebook is online. Billion dollar company and they lose millions in advertisement revenue. Have you noticed the plethora of sponsored ads you are seeing now? After about fifteen minutes of sponsored ads I just had to close the app. Criteria? Male 18-65 living in the US. So basically they are spamming everyone. So, when you see those ads, make sure you hide the ad and hide the advertiser forever.


I have personally discovered Facebook spying on me. Yep it is true. I started watching Game of Thrones and I have not once looked up anything online on my computer or phone and guess what just showed up in my newsfeed. Yep, you got it. Game of Thrones shit. WTF. So, tell me, how on earth could Facebook know I am watching Game of Thrones, which I purchased … not watching through a smart tv or HBO Max? The app is using the microphone to spy on my activities while I am not using the app. WTF. So, guess what, the phone is no longer in the same room with me and if it rings my apple watch will notify me. But that doesn’t solve the REAL issue. My privacy. Did I give Facebook permission to use the microphone to listen and analyze what I am doing? No. Another solution would be to just delete the app from my phone all together and only access Facebook from a computer with a VPN active. You hear that Facebook? Well, thousands and thousands of my readers heard me and right now they are thinking the exact same thing. I don’t need you Facebook. But you need us. Their outage the other day is going to cost them more than just ad revenue. People are going to wake up and get tired of being bombarded by stupid fucking ads and just stop using the app all together. And let’s be honest, you really don’t need to tell the entire fucking world every event play by play in your life. You really are not that interesting. There is a thing called group text you can use that will update the people who actually want to hear from you. You might notice I am not posting as much on Facebook, for a variety of reasons. I’m really not that interesting either … entertaining maybe. Sometimes life can be perfectly okay without having to share it with anyone on a smartphone or computer. Are you taking those photos of your vacation for you or for your followers? Because most of your followers secretly hate you when you brag about how great your semi-ordinary life is. I see all the bad photoshop apps that are producing shitty results and I just laugh. When your nose disappears and you have no pores it is the first sign of a bad photoshop job. Just be you. You can’t fool anyone in real life. Those extra pounds and that turkey neck can only hide under a turtleneck. 666. That is the magic number of calories you can eat at each meal, if you only ate 3 times a day. You can drink that in your morning coffee and creamer without even blinking.


Venom 2 released this past weekend and is currently the number 1 movie in the world. If you liked the first one, you will like the sequel. Addams Family sequel also came out and it was cute, but the plot was kind of lame. They go on a family vacation. Sorry if that ruined it for you, but you’re not a ten year old child and you probably aren’t going to take your kids. But when it comes out on video or Redbox, you should see it.

If you absolutely can’t stay away from Facebook, then start counting the sponsored ads in your newsfeed. When you see, 100 … will you consider closing it for a day? Excuse me while I disappear into the Game of Thrones.



Willing To Recommend 111SKIN

 I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of always wanting to try new beauty products. If I could give my younger self some advice, skincare would be it. Growing up as a teen I had a high amount of testosterone, which resulted in blemishes, acne, blackheads, … you get it. As a teen it dramatically affects your self confidence, no matter how cute or hot you are.  I was on tetracycline and at a young age learned at 3 step face cleaning routine. Then later in life I was introduced to Proactive. I know they are still around, I just haven’t seen any of their advertisements on television. I think back to what my routine was compared to what I do today and it makes me laugh. Today I have the help of ultrasonic cleaning tools, red light LED therapy, expensive masks, and my secret weapon … 111Skin 3 phase anti blemish booster. That little green bottle above. Yes at first it appears to be really expensive, but ask yourself … what would you pay to have beautiful, clean, clear blemish-free skin? $135 every couple of months really isn’t that bad. With Proactive it is always a 3 step process. I just use a few drops after washing my face. Then use a moisturizer. Done. Pretty simple actually.


Now if you joined Ipsy, my favorite beauty box/bag company … you would know that they sometimes put this in the monthly bags and sometimes they even put it for sale in the daily sales events. Ipsy has thousands and thousands of customers so sometimes the really good stuff goes like within minutes. So at 7 am Denver time, they put new items online. Now you’re going to think this is crazy, but you can actually get the 3 phase online now for only $18, … not $135. Damn. Yep, scored me another one. 111Skin caters to the celebrities, and some of their products are so damn expensive you’d have to be a celebrity to buy them. However, I think that if you take care of your skin now, you won’t have to pay for expensive plastic surgery/salon treatments later in life. So if you didn’t sign up previously, go score a free bag, and then go back to the online daily sales items and score the 3 phase. That is, if you know someone who has skin concerns. I don’t know anyone who WANTS to look old. If your skin is beautiful and glowing, then you don’t need to spend a lot of money on concealers and make-up. Oh and if you are wondering what do “I” get if you sign up? Points. Points eventually turn into free products. Nothing super exciting, but I like points. I love getting membership rewards points on my American Express card.

DISCLAIMER: Other than points, I was not paid for this review.



Chinese Warlord

So not only do I share DNA with the princess, I also am bloodline heir to a Chinese warlord, and an emperor of Japan. How is that for cool?

It is kind of cool that I share the same DNA as my ancestors. I found this artist’s rendition of Cao Cao, and I have to say with my goatee and eyebrows I look a lot like him. What if, somehow I am like him reborn hundreds of years later. I think I need to do some more research on him and his dynasty. I definitely have the whole samurai man bun down. When I let my hair down it goes past my nipples and from behind, it cascades down my back. My 30ish% European ancestry now explains why I don’t have typical straight wirelike hair, and instead have soft silky smooth hair instead. It actually is naturally curly which is super unusual for Asians. I happen to know for a fact that some people pay hundreds of dollars for perms that don’t last. Watch Fresh off the Boat, and there is an episode where they both get perms. I didn’t know it, but evidently when you are successful (in Asian families) you get a perm. Sadly Fresh off the Boat was cancelled, but I did buy all of the seasons on Vudu for like $30. Since I was raised in a white military family, I didn’t learn any Asian customs, other than taking off your shoes at the front door. I don’t walk around in socks, I wear my Birks and socks inside and my running shoes outside. So my curiosity has gotten the best of me and I really want to know more of my father’s lineage. Fortunately for me, CRIGenetics discounted the report 20% so I bought it. If anything or anyone exciting or interesting shows up I will share it with y’all.


For my Husker friends, it looks like the government is finally releasing some statistics, like how many are hospitalized.  You can check it out by clicking here. For some stupid reason Nebraska stopped reporting numbers back in May. And they don’t do testing, so you really have no clue what the real numbers are like.

260,199 Cases

448 Active Hospitalizations

2379 Deaths

Just remember that only about 66.06% are fully vaccinated (in Nebraska), so 1/3 of the population are at risk.  1,040,196 people in Nebraska are fully vaccinated. If you think about it, that is not great. The percent partially vaccinated, meaning only 1 shot, 5.49%.


Famous People Report

CRIGenetics can go back as far as 50 generations of family ancestry DNA. I was pretty surprised to see the Princess of Wales smiling at me. Of course all her offspring share the same mtDNA Haplogroup. This report was only $10 and totally worth it. Naturally they had another report to sell me when I got this one. It was like $90, so I passed. Given the correct information someone could really maximize their life longevity.


